Hot Coco? With Austin On The Side? (Chapter 5)

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Austin's house wasn't a amazing place like you'd expect. It was a ordinary cabin made of logs and wood. It looked pretty old, when I walked in I noticed everything was a mess, I was shocked, didn't someone complain to him about cleaning? I mean, sure, he told me his parents passed away but surely he had a aunt or uncle to watch over him. He led me over to a small glass table with only two chairs. I sat down and waited for him to return with the hot coco. When he came over he held a tray with held two mugs, a bag of mini marshmellows, a container of sugar cubes, two tea spoons and some napkins. He placed it on the table and smiled. He pulled down his hood revealing his brownish-black semi long hair. I hadn't noticed before but his eyes were a beautiful olive green with a golden ring around his pupils. He put two sugar cubes and five mini marshmellows in my coco before handing it to me. "Sorry for the mess in my house, I normally don't have guests over and since mom & dad are gone I've always lived alone and did what ever I'd like." So he lives alone? "I'm sorry if this is getting too personal but, how did your parents pass away?" I tilted my head a bit while asking to make myself look a whole lot more genuine instead of nosy. His eyes went straight to his cup while he spoke, I could tell he didn't want to go through this emotional pain right now. "I was 15 when my dad sent me out to go get some more wood for the fire at home, I got my axe and went out to chop up some logs. After a hour or so I saw smoke and just assumed he started up a fire at home but then I realized, we didn't hav eenough logs to start a fire so I ran home with my axe, when I got there my cabin was on fire. Ashes filled the air and made it thick and hard to breath. The door wouldn't budge open so I used my axe to cut it down, I saw my mom screaming as the fire consumed her body and I panicked, I began crying and screaming too. My dad yelled at me to run far away but I wouldn't listen, instead I got buckets of water from the river and I began tossing it on my mom but that didn't help much because the cabin was still on fire, my dad kept yelling for me to run. I stood there trying to think of a way, anyway at all I could help them but then the cabin began falling apart and a huge log fell on my dad and I ran out scared of being burned alive. I ran, I ran so far away. When I returned the fire was still going but it was more tame now, as if it wasn't hungry anymore. My parents were burned to ashes and I sat watching the fire,crying my heart out. I fell asleep under the warmth of the fire. When I woke up the fire was dying out and after another day or so the fire was gone and all that was left was ashes. There was so much , I couldn't tell which belonged to my parents and which belonged to the cabin. Instead of crying and being miserable the rest of my life, I replaced my sorrow with determination. I deciced to hunt my own food, build my own cabin and get a job so I could pay for my highschool. For a while I lived off of the food at school but I soon learned how to wrestle animals to the floor and cook them. Now I finally have a job that pays enough to support me. I still hunt my food because all the money I make goes to my clothes and school supplies. At least now things are easier on me. Enough about me, tell me about you and your life story." When he looked up he saw me crying again. Even I was shocked I was crying, I hadn't even noticed. He reached for my hand and I allowed him to hold it. We both cried hard and felt like we understood each other. Finally when I stopped sobbing, I poured my heart out to him. I know, I just met him, but if he was able to tell me of his life story, I should be able to tell him everything. I told him about Daniel, about my dad, about my memory loss, about everything I've ever known. I've never felt so close to a stranger in my life. "Wow, sounds crazy, makes sense now." What is he talking about?? "What makes sense?" Austin shook his head blushing and laughing a bit. "Nothing, nevermind." I felt a bit angry that he wouldn't tell me so I said in a acertive voice. "After everything we've told eachother you won't tell me what you meant??" He giggled and flipped his hair a bit, he leaned in and brushed my hair away from my ear with  his nose and then let his lips brush against my skin before whispering in a calm voice "Why a beautiful girl like you would sell her body." Then he leaned back into his chair and gave me a sly smile while adding "You must really love this guy huh?" My face was blushing so red I looked like a cherry, but I wasn't blushing because he said I love Joss so much, it was because his lips skimmed my cheek a bit and the way he talked was almost cute. ALMOST. I honestly answered him "Yeah, I really do love Joss. He's always been there for me when I needed him most. He's a amazing friend and I wouldn't trade him for the world. I just miss him ya know? I haven't had a real connection with anyone since he's left. Marissa understands me so perfectly it isn't even funny but she's a girl. It's different having a guy who loves you and understands you. Then again, I'd chose Marissa over Joss anyday. I just miss the feeling of waking up and having someone to look forward to besides Marissa." Austin smiled and again I blushed because his smile made me feel all mushy inside. Its like he had a switch and he could make me feel mushy when ever he wanted. I kinda dislike that about him. I don't like the fact that he makes me feel all wild in my stomach. Only Joss should do that. "At least you have me, right? I mean, you can pass by anytime you want, I'll always be here right after school. Plus, I'll see you at work. I don't have a cell phone because I can't afford one but you know where to find me when you need someone to to turn to right?" I suddenly felt like I'm doing something wrong, I feel like I'm cheating on Joss. It's weird because I haven't done anything with Austin but I felt like I was being unfair to Joss right now. Oh well, maybe I'm just sick. I should head home now. "Yeah, I'm glad to have you. Well, I need to head home, Thank you so much for everything. You really made me feel better. I'll see you soon okay?" Austin got up and opened the door for me. "Promise to stop by?" I smiled. "Promise." Austin smiled back. "Kiss on it?" My jaw dropped, did he just say kiss on it?? "You mean shake on it right?" Austin laughed. "Of course! You have a boyfriend silly! I was just messing with you haha. See ya around Rein." Austin pulled me in for a hug and he closed the door on me. I just stood there though. If he hadn't said those words, I would have been fine, but he said them and now, I will never think the same way.

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