NewYear's Make-up or Break-up? (Chapter 15)

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  • Dedicated to Shanelle<33

Author's Quick Note-

I've been DYING to write this, it's going to be so romantic, just hang in there buddy. I promise this will be worth the wait. I know I don't keep track of time in this book but in the book it's about late December-ish. I also know some of you have been debating on who's side your on, some like Rein better than Austin and some like Austin better. I'll be honest ... I'm on neither's side. I think they love each other too much to be retards and not be together, but then again the story would be boring without drama sooo ;D Teehee, you have no clue what I have in store for you ;D ! I also know you guys probably wonder 'Gee, when is she going to show us some more of Joss?!' well pshhttt... you should shut up because I'm getting to that point when Joss shall become part of our lifes again :) Also, do you guys remember Rein's sister from the beginng of the first book? Well ... she's back ;D ! She lives in a dorm at collage but she is very well alive and will be here alot. I promise I won't dissapoint you guys. Have you guys ever noticed how much alike love and a rubberband are? A wise woman once told me " Love is like a rubber band , you both pull on it , until sumone lets go , & it hurts the one that held on." By a wise woman I mean Angelina <33 :) 

Kay well, Enjoy the chapter ;D Byeee!  


(Austin's P.O.V)

I heard a loud banging on the front door. I bet it's Rein. I was right because when I opened the door she came storming in. "What the fuck Austin?! You killed him?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you want to go to jail just like Joss?! Do you want to make me break down like I did in the woods when you first met me?! How much heart break do you plan on putting me through?! Why can't you just see how much I fucking care about you?!" She turning red, I've never seen her so mad before... I couldn't help myself, I pulled her into me and I began kissing her so passionetly, hoping she'd see how much I missed her. It's only been a few weeks but damn, those were the longest weeks of my life. I've never had anyone to fill the emptiness in my life that my parents had filled long ago until I met her. Without her I craved a sort of filling, a meaning in life, without her I had none. Rein quickly shoved me away, rejecting my love. It hurt, it stung so badly into my heart. To make manners worse she slapped me across my face. Damn! She's gotten really strong, I hadn't really looked until now, her body was thriving with fitness. It was making me even more attracted to her, the fact that she'd chosen should a slutty outfit shows that she some what wants me back ... right? "Rein, I love you." Rein's face became even redder. "Then why did you make me leave?! Why are you doing this to me?!" I grabbed her again but this time when she tried to resist I tightened my grip against her strength, she may be strong but not strong enough. I pulled her face so close to mine that our noses were touching. I looked her in the eyes and her anger melted away, her eyes were full with concentration and she was deffinetly listening now. "Rein, I made you leave because I was breaking down, I hope you know I almost killed myself because of you. I've over dosed on drugs, I've drinken too much and I was rushed to the hospital. I've barely gone to work and I've killed a man. Do you really think I don't love you? Do you know how much I've been missing you? How much I've been dying to come crawling to you on my knees begging for you to come home to me?! I haven't came back for you because I wanted to know you wanted me back as much as I want you. I want to be sure that you didn't get pregnant because you were cheating. And if you were being raped why did you let it go on for so long? Why didn't you tell me?! Do you not trust me?!" I let go of her and she fell to the ground on her knees crying. "I didn't tell you because I thought you'd leave me for those whores you've been with when you got drunk! Why didn't you tell me you were cheating? Why were you cheating!!! You don't love me!" She looked so pale and her sobs were so scary to me. I don't want her crying. I want her in my arms. Now. "Rein, I'm a fucking bastard. I don't diserve you. You can do better. I promise if you come back to me I won't drink or smoke pot or cheat anymore! As long as you don't strip anymore." Rein shot a look of concern at me. Fuck. Did I say smoke pot to her? Damn it! I did. "Did you say smoke pot?! You smoked pot?! When?!" I felt like I was being lectured by my mother. "When you left me..." I mumbled under my breath. Rein's eyes became depressed and I saw desire in there too. "I have more than enough money to bail Joss out now, I don't need that stupid job anymore. What am I going to do about this damn baby though?" Pain struck my heart again. She's pregnant. With a child. That's not mine. We can't keep it. I don't want it and neither does she... does she? "Do .... do you want to keep the baby?" Rein's face went pale. "No." She replied sharply. "Does that mean... adoption or..." I gulped. "Abortion?" Rein's eyes widened. "I was thinking ... abortion... I mean ... I don't know. Under the circumstances I'm in right now, I'm not stable to have a kid." She's right, she can't. Too many issues. But abortion? I don't know, it's her body not mine. "Well, okay. It's up to you." She smiled and I finally let my desire kick in. I grabbed her and I lifted her off her feet, I carried her to our bedroom. "Our" --- there goes that word again. Haha, I love that word. I through her on the bed and she grinned at me. She knew exactly what I was going to do and she didn't care for once. I tore off her tank top and began kissing her all over when ---- *Ding*Dong* ! Fuck. Every single time!!! Rein threw on her shirt and gave me a peck on the cheek. She smiled and whispered "Sorry bud, maybe next time." With a wink she was off to the door. I sighed loudly mad that I couldn't have her for the night as I had dreamed of. 

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