Breaking It Down (Chapter 22)

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It's finally Valentines Day and Austin has planned the perfect wedding for us. He's so romantic, who would have thought of having booked a wedding on Valentines day in paris! I love him so much, I do, I really do. Of course Marissa is my maid of honor and Joss is the bestman, we invited Juan as the ring bearer. Its a small wedding but none the less, it's romantic. We all flew in the same plane down here and we'd been here a week already. I bought a beautiful dress and the wedding will be held in an garden just outside the hotel. At the moment, I'm getting my hair styled. I'm already in my dress and have my make up done. My hair has been placed into a bun with a few curls in the back, my bangs brushed to the right. I'm so excited! The music began playing and that was my que to walk out of the room where we were to be married. I walked out in slow paces, my heart thumping ever so loudly in my chest. As I approached closer and closer I noticed Austin tense up. I hope he's not scared... I finally made my way over to him and the officant. The officant began his lecture on how we should care for each other and all that. It was my turn to speak. " I, Elizabeth Willow, take you Austin Ovella to be my lawfully wedded husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live." I smiled at him and his face was pale. There is something up with him today... why is he being so weird. There was a long silence, this is where he's supposed to speak. Speak Austin... speak.... Everyone stared at him and his face began to sweat. The next thing I know he runs out of the room. My whole body went fell weak. Joss quickly ran over to and held me up to keep me from falling. This is what life has always come to. Me being hurt by other men and Joss having to hold me together from breaking. Marissa chased after Austin. Instead of chasing along with them, Joss and I stood behind, Joss offered me to sit down in a seat near by. I willingly sat, Joss got down on his knees so he could be at my height. Tears began pouring down my cheeks and I silently weeped to myself. Joss hugged me tight and let me sob on his shoulder for a while. It felt good to be this close to him again, him and I haven't been so close since him and Marissa became an item. I always stayed away from Joss to keep Austin and Marissa from thinking the wrong things. Joss began petting my hair while I cried, his touch made me crumble even further into tears, he made me feel so safe that I allowed myself to cry. He softly whispered through my hair "Everything will be alright, you still have me no matter what." I hugged him even tighter, the only thing separating us from eachother was our clothing ---- and our equals in this world. He kissed my cheek as hot tears rolled down covering the place where his lips had just momentarily been. I felt his comfort sink into my heart deeply. I love Joss, he's an amazing friend. I don't know where I'd be without him in my life. Before I knew it, I began to doze off into a relaxing slumber on his shoulder. When I woke up I was tucked into his hotel bed cuddling a pillow. I slowly stretched and yawned before jumping out of bed and hopping into the shower. I've known Joss my whole life so to me, showering in his hotel room isn't much of a big deal. I've decided while in the shower that maybe I should just give up on dating for a while. Obviously if Austin left me at the altar, things with guys won't work out so well. Austin has always seemed different from all other guys I know... now there's no guy I can fully trust anymore. Instead of spending this time in the shower crying or regretting anything I decided, crying would be a waste of engery. I spent this time thinking about moving on. When I finished washing up I grabbed a robe out of the draw in the hotel's bathroom. I wrapped myself in it and blew out my hair with what I assume to be Marissa's hair dryer. I brushed my teeth with a dark blue tooth brush, most likey Joss's. Before leaving the bathroom, I gently knocked on the door, yes, it sounds silly knocking on a door when you're inside already but I don't want to open it to see Joss making out with Marissa or anything. I heard a stressed out voice say "Come in." It sounded like Joss. I unlocked the bathroom door and saw Joss with his shirt unbuttoned and his hair a mess as if he had been tugging on it. "Joss, are ... are you okay ?" Joss was laid out on the bed staring at the ceiling in deep thought. He just barely glanced at me and muttered "...No." I slowly walked over to his side and looked down at him. "What's wrong?" His eyes darted at me and peirced through my soul. "Everything." I stood there for a moment thinking what could possibly be so horrible? Once the silence was so unbearable he spoke again. "Once you fell asleep I carried you over here and when I opened the door I found Austin and Marissa. She was yelling at Austin for leaving you like that but ... what I saw at first looked like she was defending you... it was really her protecting herself from getting you or should I say, us, mad at her. She was shouting things about how he screwed up everything and how you're going to know they were sneaking around. He turned around and grabbed her , there faces were only an inch apart, he was about to say 'i love you' but he saw me... and his eyes grew large. He was scared. I saw it in his eyes. I walked to the bed as if they weren't there, I tucked you in and kissed your forehead gently. Then I turned to face them, I told them to leave. And with that, they left. To who knows where... to do who knows what..." His voice trailed off and I noticed his stare at the ceiling never broke, but he had tears pouring down the sides of his face. What he said struck me like a knife. It cut right through me. Tears swelled up in my eyes and I felt myself losing strength to hold my body up. Before I had the chance to collapse, I quickly climbed onto the bed and curled into a ball by Joss's side. I cuddled against his arm for comfort and sobbed for a while. We laid there not doing anything but feeling each other's heart break. It was like for that moment, we were one. I love Joss, but not in that romantic way, in a friendly, brotherly way. We have a strong bond that no one can ever break, not even Austin or Marissa. I guess I thought they broke the bond, but they didn't, they just covered it up but surely enough it's strong enough for us to find easily. It was already night time when I had woken up from my nap so I fell back asleep easily enough, Joss did too. We awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of giggling and "shhhh" coming from down the hall. The door burst open and I could sense it was Marissa and Austin. Marissa was giggling like a teen school girl and Austin was laughing as if he had nothing better to do, they wreaked of beer. It was very obvious that they were drunk. At first they had frightened me so I gripped onto Joss who was rubbing his eyes drowsy from sleeping. Marissa threw the lights on and I instantly covered my eyes out of instinct. Marissa beamed "Shhh heehee, you woke them up!" Austin began laughing as well. He whisper shouted "Opps! Sorry guys, hehe, guess what? We got married ! Haha, isn't that amazing?" Marissa playfully slapped him. "Shhh, haha, it was a surprise remember? Heehee, oh well. Hey, wait, were you guys sleeping? Ohh haha, sorry. I'm tired too, can I sleep in your room Rein?" Austin lifted her up and answered for me. "Course you can haha. Night night you guys!" He carried her out and shut the lights. I hugged Joss and he got up, he mummbled "Get up." I listened and rolled off the bed. He pulled the blanket down and he took his shirt off, he moved like a zombie, he was obviously tired. He climbed in and yawned "Get in." He wrapped himself up in the blanket and I got in as well. I faced the wall oppisite of him, to my surprise he scooted over to me and wrapped his arms around me. He mummbled "Good night Rein." He snuggled his chin onto my shoulder and I felt his breathing send chills down my neck. I whispered "Good night Joss..." I tried to sleep but all I could think about was what tomorrow would be like. What lays ahead of me, or ahead of Joss? Did Austin and Marissa really get married or are they too drunk to even know their middle names? All I know is that if I could, I'd chose to die here, in the arms of Joss, in the arms of a man who deep at heart I know loves me. 

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