"Our" - A Word To Hate Or Love? (Chapter 9)

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  • Dedicated to My Love<3

Austin and I never really got back to finishing up what happened that day. It's been about a week or two and we're acting like nothing ever happened and I can't stand it! He's always treating me like a house guest. Plus he's been working extra shifts lately and when I get home I eat dinner alone. I wake up around 4 in the morning when he comes home from work. Weirdest thing is, he hasn't earned any extra money!! He only comes back with the same crappy amount of money he always comes back with. Why would he work so hard for such little money? Unless he's lying to me or holding money back from me! I really am starting to hate him. I thought this was "our" story, "our" money, "our" house and "our" romance. I guess the only person that desereves to share the word "our" with me is Joss. I miss him so much nower days. I even have a second job as a waitress at the local dinner. I visit Joss every Sunday and If I finish work early, on Saturdays. Marissa and Austin have some classes together and I sometimes wish I had classes with Austin so I could see him for at least 40 minutes a day, even if I had to learn algebraic expressions and all that. Juan, Marissa and I always have lunch together because we all have it 6th period but lately I barely talk to them. I feel so distant from everyone since my mother's death. No one truly understands me anymore. I miss the feeling of being loved and understood. I'm in love with my bestfriend who doesn't even pay attention to me anymore. Why Austin? Why can't I be enough for you? Why do you avoid me so much? Why can't I be your everything? "Miss Willow! I asked you what is a if 5a = 25?" Huh? Wait, what class am I in? Oh, 8th period Algebra. "Uh, a = 5." Mr.Kay nodded and the bell rang. Thank god, saved by the bell. As soon as school was over I walked to work. I got there and to my horror, guys from my school were there. "Hey sexy." One of them winked. My whole world came crashing down. The boys taunted me with their money and Candy shot me a glare as if saying 'You have to take the money and do your job or your fired.' I winced at the thought of having to go along with these guys. I was just about to follow a young blonde haired boy I knew named Asher when Austin appeared from thin air with a HUGE wad of cash and pushed Asher's money away. "Sorry guys, she's mine. I suggest you go away now, and if you tell anyone about this ... may god have mercy on you." The boys scattered with fear in their eyes as they ran away. I smiled at Austin, he just saved me from a nightmare. The weird thing is he didn't leave, I thought he was just doing me a favor but no, not at all. He waited for me to follow him, waving the money by my face while I followed him out of the bar. We walked to my old house and to my surprise the house was fixed, I smiled happy that Austin was spending time with me and that my house was fixed. Austin opened the front door and there was roses and candles EVERYWHERE! My jaw dropped to the floor as I saw how clean the house was and how he re-arranged my old furniture that looked freshly cleaned. He grabbed my hand and lead me to the dining room where a beautiful dinner was made. There was Chicken, rice, and mashed potatoes. Next to the plates were glasses of apple cider since Austin knew I hated Achole. Austin pulled out a chair for me. I sat down and he sat across from me. The candle light brightened our faces up. He broke the silence with "Rein, I'm sorry for avoiding you. I've been working longer to be able to pay for you and for all this stuff. I did it finally. You can move home now ... if you want. I want our last night together to be special." As his words sunk in, a tear escaped my eye. I don't want to leave him, I love him. How could he plan this out?! He knew he was going to leave me and he let this happen! What's his problem?! I hate that I love him! Ugh! "Don't cry Rein. I ... I ... I love you." Oh damn it! He had to say the L word didn't he?! Tears came pouring down my face. I jumped out of my chair and ran to my mom's old bedroom, I collapsed on her king bed and shoved my face into her pillow. I miss my mom. I cried even harder for her and for me. Austin walked in and pulled me off the bed and onto my feet. He kissed my hand and worked his way up to my neck. I tilted my head backwards and my eyes shut as soon as he touched my neck. It was like a trigger. Everytime he touched my neck my eyes shut in pleasure. It's a huge turn on to me. I moaned a bit and my eyes snapped open when his arms wrapped around my body and he kissed my lips so tenderly. The quickly closed again as I felt his tounge poke at mine. I willingly let myself kiss him back. If today's our last day then god damnit, it's going to be the best last day ever. His lip got caught in mine and I couldn't help but let my hands seek his shirt and lift it off of him. His hands followed and they found my bra fast. I fell backwards onto the bed and he began kissing my neck and brought his lips down to my chest and with his teeth he ripped my bra off. I gasped, did he really just rip it off with his teeth?! Oh damn, he's strong. Its such a ... turn on. I wrapped my legs around his body and I pulled his chest into mine. I could tell tonight would be fun. Really. Really. Really fun.

~~~~ (The Next Morning)

I awoke to a soft kiss on my forehead. "Good morning beautiful." I smiled at my naked lover. He is so adorable in every way. "Good morning handsome." He kissed my lips and I felt like he shot pain into my body. Everything from last night came back to me. He's leaving. He's. Leaving. Leaving. Leaving as in forever. I refused to let him leave. He can't. There has to be another way. Then, as if magic, I came to a solution. "Move in with me." Austin seemed taken back by my question. "Wh-what?" I panicked, fearing he'd say no, I grabed his wrist and I passionetly kissed him, tounge and all that. Then I pulled back and responded. "Please, don't leave me. I need you. I love you. Please, move in with me." Austin grabbed my hands and held them in his. He looked at me and smiled. "I love you too, but we both know you love Joss more." His smile quickly faded at the mention of Joss, as did mine. No, this time he's wrong. I love Joss but not more than Austin. No way. "No, Austin, I'm in love with you. Forget Joss. I want you, no, I need you. Move in with me. I've never felt this way about anybody." Austin's eyes searched mine for something. I wondered what he was looking for? Honesty? Love? Pain? Fear? Regret? "Rein Willow, yes. I will move in with you. I'm so in love with you, how could I say no?" Relief outlined my face. I worried that maybe after last night he wouldn't want me. I'll be honest, I didn't have sex with Austin last night. I wasn't ready. I know, I know, you're wondering 'how can you have sex with strangers for money but not with you man you love?' Well, for your information, I felt dirty doing it with him too early. I really love him and don't wanna lose him for giving in too soon. I want our relationship to be about love not sex. He broke my train of thought. "I hope you don't mind using the word 'our'. You're going to have to use it alot." I smiled at the thought of the word 'our'. 'Our' house. 'Our' room. 'Our' bed. 'Our' house. 'Our' story. And most importantly; 'Our' life.

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