A Long Story Made Short (Chapter 14)

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Long Story short, Marissa let me and Dust-Angel move in with her. Her mother wasn't so thrilled but after she heard about how I was thrown out she gave in. Marissa and I began to bond again and I instantly we had a small fight. It was fun though. 

Her: "Boo you whore :p"

Me: "What? How am I a whore?"

Her: "1st of all, you're pregnate. 2nd of all, you're a striper and you never told me. And 3rd of all, you thought Juan and I were dating!!!"

Me: "1st of all, I was RAPED. 2nd of all, I'm bailing Joss out! 3rd of all, you guys were tounging on the couch!!! AND you STILL haven't explained that to me!!!"

Her: "Number one, you could have told someone! Two, you could always get another job. And three, the only reason we kissed is because he isn't over you. He told me he's in love with you so I was like what if I kissed you? Would you not like her? And he was all 'Blah blah, I'm Juan and I'm a stupid potateo who misses Rein. So I grabbed him and I basically stuck my tounge down his throat. When you came in he freaked out and called me a bitch 'cause he thought I ruined any chance he had with you. But he told me he still loves you times enfinety!" 

Me: "One, fine I was wrong, I should have told you or Austin. Two, I'm a idiot happy? Three, no comment."

Her: "One, I'm sorry, you know I fucking love you, you slut :) Two, you're not a idiot! You're just a shamwow. Three, what you going to do about Juan?"

Me: "I love you more :) and two haha xD Yes, I am a shamwow! Three, umm....I dunno. Can you like find him a girlfriend or something?"

Marissa willingly agreed to try. We made up pretty well and we had fun. She tried to make me forget everything that happened with Austin but deep down even she knew she couldn't heal wounds this deep. Over time I earned more than enough money to bail Joss out. The only problem was when I visited him I told him I was so close to having enough, I just didn't want to tell him the truth. Truth being 'I have enough money but I'm heart broken and don't want to deal with dumping you afer I bail you out because I'm too depressed to deal with you shit.' Marissa has been telling me all week that I should just forget Austin and love Joss again. I wanted it to be like that but it couldn't be. I need Austin more than I ever needed Joss.  The weird thing is, when I go to work, I don't see Red anymore. It's like he slipped off the face of the universe. I wonder where he's gone. I sometimes imagine going back to Austin and making up but I'm too afraid, afraid of what he'd say to me. Afraid of rejection. 


(Austin's P.O.V)

I'm so ... fucking drunk out of my mind right now. I wonder, am I going to die? I've just odeed on pain killers and drank a bottle of Vodka. Everything around me feels slow... almost as if time paused just so I can feel the pain slice through my heart over & over again. What a sick bastard time is. Why would Rein not tell me of this man? I'm so confused, I think I killed him, but then again I'm so drunk that I might have just imagined killing him. The blood... so bright ... so much. Too much to be imagined yet... too unlike me to be real. Did I kill him? I remember finding a man in a car waiting by the alley, i think I killed that man. Or could this just all be the meds and Vodka talking? Should I find Rein? Should I confront her and tell her how much she's killed me inside? It hurts so much that no matter how much my body wants other women, my heart makes my body shut the fuck up. I've litterally been in this house getting drunk every night now, haven't left the house execpt for when I need more booze. I've even bought some weed from a guy on the corner but I've been to much of a wimp to try smoking it. I know Rein hates when people do drugs. All I can get away with is drinking. I can tell she hates that too but she loves me so much she doesn't confront me on my drinking habbits. I feel so woozy right now, should I just close my eyes and let myself die? Should I call 911? Awww, fuck it. It's too late now. I can feel my heart beat slowing dangerously. Just when I think I'm about to stop living, the Vodka makes me imagine Rein holding a child, the child is beautiful, but then that evil rapist is standing besides her. No, she can't be with him. That should be me there! Me god damnit!!! With the last bit of energy left I dial 911. Someone picks up but everything goes black as the woman on the phone says "911, how may I help you?" 


I'm just getting out of the hospital, the doc says I'll be alright, he warned me if this ever happens again I'll have to go to rehab. Once I went home I decided some good old weed sounded like fun to try out, hell, I almost died but I didn't so what could really go bad. I locked the front door and I lit up the rolled up piece of paper that contained the weed in it. I smoked it and damn did I feel loopy. Everything was colorful and funny to me. I couldn't help laughing like crazy, then I felt the urge to eat, I was craving some thing to munch on. I found cookies and I ate the whole pack. A few hours later , the affects wore off and I went to work. When I got home I saw on the news that a man was found dead in a parking lot near the local dinner. When I saw his face my heart stopped, I killed that man.


(Rein's P.O.V)

When I got home from working at the bar, (Yes, I work there but I avoid Austin) I saw on the news that Red was found dead. I paniced, my heart stopped. Austin killed Red. I got dressed in a tank top and shorts, I slipped on sandals and I through my hair up in a bun. I hopped in the car and I headed over to my old home. The one I shared with my "partner". This is going to be one crazy night.  

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