It's A Small World (Chapter 21)

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Lately everything has been fine, its been two weeks since we've been unprotected but no symptoms thankfully. We're good, I'm happy things are fine. I think Austin wants a kid but I don't even know if I want a kid. Do I ? Ah, whatever forget that. Forget kids, forget babies, forget everything. Anyways, I'm getting dressed right now, I have to take Dustangel to the vet. She's been sleeping more lately and shes getting fat very fast. It scares me, not to mention she's been eating so much extra food. She looks tired so much faster too. Austin already knows I'm taking the car. I put Dustangel in her little cat carrier and gently slid her into the passanger seat of the car. I strapped the seat belt around the carrier just in case she'd fall to the floor while I drove. I, myself, sat in the front seat and started the engine. We drove a quick 15 minute drive down to the vet. We did the whole 'Sign in and wait' routine until the vet called our name. The vet weighed her, and took her temperature (don't even ask me how, its a disturbing thought). Then she told me she was going to run some tests and that I should come back tomorrow afternoon for her. I was saddened by this thought, leaving my kitten in a vet's office over night. I'm going to miss her cute meows and purrs through out the rest of the day. I said good bye to Dustangel and the vet then began my drive home. I stopped at a stop light, when I saw a car making a turn onto the wrong lane. It was coming down really fast and I saw it coming my way. I panicked and closed my eyes hoping this wasn't really about to happen. Then, Crashhhh, the glass windsheild cracked before my eyes and my air bag blew up in my face protecting me from the glass and anything else that must have surely been ruined. My heart was throbbing so fast in my chest , I thought for sure it'd explode. Pain stricked through my body and I felt something slice my forehead. Great, now I'm going to have to get a new car and get checked out in a hospital. I waited there knowing what was to come next. Soon enough I heard what I had expected, sirens going off and flashes of red, white, and blue. 1 towe truck and 1 cop car, and 1 ambulance truck all parked near by. Two police men stepped out of the car, one ran over to my car and the other man ran over to the other car. The officer lifted me by my left arm out of the car, I felt so sore and I hadn't realized how much pain I was in before until now. My whole body ached as the officer yanked me out. The paramedics had a gurdie rolled out for me and they lifted me up onto it. The officer towered over me and questioned me. "Are you alright ma'm?" I looked at him through painful eyes. He was about 5'9 I'd guess, he was dark skinned and he was bald with brown eyes. I responded in a muffled voice "Ye- yes officer... Louis." I read his name tag aloud. He looked very concerned with my state, I couldn't even see the damages done to myself because I hadn't bothered to look. I felt too much pain to want to look. If I look, I'll just be paranoid about it. "Are you well enough to answer a few questions or would you rather get medical attention immediately?" I thought it over for a few seconds until I felt a sharp pain shoot through my arm. I groaned at the pain and that answered his question alone. "My parnter and I will meet you at the hospital and uptain the information later then. Feel better soon and get some rest kiddo." He said before walking over to his partner who was already placing cuffs on the driver's wrists. From the looks of it, it was a drunk driver. I could tell by the way the driver stood and wobbled about. She looked so familar... blonde hair and beautiful eyes. I felt like I knew her from somewhere ... yet... too much pain had been distracting my body for me to even bother to make an effort to remember who this girl is.  The paramedics rolled me into their truck and they put some sort of shot in me. All I know is that after that shot, I felt limp and tired. I decided to take a small... peaceful... nap...


(At the Hospital)

I yawned aloud and fluttered my eyes open. I saw the officer from before sitting in a chair across from my bed. Austin was sitting next to him and they were talking. Austin's eyes snapped to mine as soon as he heard me yawn. He smiled and the officer got up and walked next to me. Again, he was towering over me. "Good afternoon sunshine." He anounced loudly with a smile. I tried to sit up but like a slap to the face, pain shot through my arm which I noticed was now in a cast. I groaned aloud before mumbling "Good afternoon officer Louis." It amazed me how I could have remembered his name after all the sleep I had just endured. I wonder how long I was asleep for? Maybe a day, I'd guessed since my arm is all nicely wrapped and my cuts have bandaids on them. "Becareful with your arm. Its fractured the doctor says and please, call me Lou." I nodded and waited for the summary of what had happened from his point of view. "So, we talked to the driver of the other car, and witnesses and we figured out what happened. Samantha Willow was drunk driving from a fratt party and she made her turn on the lane but since she was D.D she swerved onto your lane crashing straight into you. She wasn't harmed so we have her currently in a prison cell. Since Austin Ovella here, claims she is your sibling we haven't decided wether to put her in custody of the prison. Would you like to send her to prison or rather have her lisence provoked? It's your decision."  My decision? Sam Willow?! Is that why she looked so familar?! Oh my god. This is too much for me to deal with. "Uh, I ... can I drop any chrages pressed? Shes family ... and I love her." Austin's eyes widened and he looked at me with a shocked as shit face. What? You guys thought I didn't love Sammy? Of course I do! We'd always been close ... until she moved out. Before that, she was like a second mother to me. She was the sweetest heart in the world. Best grades, never in trouble, sweet as pie. When she moved out it was insane. I think she was so nice because daddy was gone, she wanted to make me a better person... I love her. I really do. I don't blame her for being wild, she deserves the fun. "If... if you say so Ms.Willow but we will have to provoke her lisence." I nodded my head and made him leave. "I'd like some time alone with my fiance." I pleaded. He left silently shutting the door behind him. Austin got out of his chair and walked over to me, he grabbed my hand and kissed it gently. "I love you baby." He said tenderly. I smiled , without thinking I blurted out my inner most desires. "I want to have a baby with you." I closed my eyes and then Austin kissed my forehead before whispering "I'll give you one, love." I smiled then I felt shocked at myself for saying that. Why did I say that? Am I crazy? I can't have a kid. Holy shit. He wants a kid?! Damn, it. I love him. I'm going to give him a kid. 


Within 2 weeks my arm has fully recovered. Sammy hasn't been arrested as promised. She came back to thank me then she moved in with her new Boyfriend Alex. Austin and I agreed to have a baby. Dustangel gave birth to kittens.Joss and Marissa are fully in love. Joss asked Marissa to move in with him. Marissa happily agreed. Things are moving so fast lately. Its insane. Life is insane. Austin and I have been non stop trying to have a kid. I'll admit, its fun as hell. Febuarary is going to be a great month , I can tell. For once, life is going good, and I have to admit, I love it.  

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