Issues (Chapter 13)

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Chapter 13. Ha, chapter 13 of my life. 13 is a unlucky number huh? You're about to see how unlucky it can get. So, over the last couple of weeks I've been feeling sick. I thought nothing of it. Maybe just a stomach virus, you know, the normal symptoms. Vomit, stomach pains, dizzyness. Nothing out of the ordinary, but then, my period was late. I freaked out but then I shook away the fear. I'm crazy right? It will probably come soon. After a week passed I finally decided to buy a pregnacy test behind Austin's back. I took the test and it came out... Positive. No, I can't be pregnate. I reached a decision, I'm going to the doctors. I ran over to the car and drove off to the doctors. Of course, Austin is most likely  panicing looking for me so we can go to school, oh well. I need to see the doctor, I need her to tell me I'm not pregnate. I need her to tell me my test was false. Tell me it's too cheap to be right. I need her to tell me it's all a lie, or better a dream. How nice would life be if this ALL was a dream. If I woke up and Joss and I were still kids, no Daniel. I still had my dad and my mom. If I still had a crush on the boy next door who'd do anything for me. If I was only so young and innocent again. Just for one more minute. One moment to hold on to forever. If I could go back and change it all my life would be bliss filled. Too bad the past is the past and now is now. Daniel may be dead but even now he is fucking my life up! I finally parked in the drive way of the hospital. I went in, did the whole procedure and I waited for the results. Doctor Kim calmed me for a while telling me the test would 90% come ou negative. She told me "What are the chances of a young girl like you getting pregnate?" She giggled and I played off a fake laugh with her. It took a LONG time for the results to come back. No doubt Austin must be losing his shit right now looking for me. The suspense finally ended when a young nurse walked down the hall carrying a clip board. She called my name out and I instantly looked at her, she told me to follow her and I did. She lead me to a beautiful room with many paintings of the ocean. "Take a seat Mrs.Willow." I did as told and I waited for her to tell me he result was negative. I desired to hear those words be spoken. She spoke in a nuetral tone. "The results came out ... positive. Congragulations Mrs.Willow, you are going to be a mother!" She shrieked with happiness. I suppose she didn't know I didn't want to be a mother. I myself am barely old enough to care for myself. How can I have a child?! Who's child?! Red?!?! Most certainly not!!! What am I going to do?!?! "Thank you, I have to go now." I spoke in a cheery tone to make her assume I was happy when deep inside I felt like holding a knife to the baby's throat. I know, I'm a selfish bastard but I am NOT having a baby!!! I drove home stuck in deep thought. So many questions were stuck in my mind. I parked the car, then ran inside and cried in the bedroom Austin and I shared. I cried for a while, in fact until I fell asleep. I awoke to an angry Austin. "Where the hell have you been?!" His rage made me cry again. "At, at, at ... at the doc-doctors!" I cried. Austin's face changed from anger to concern. "What happened? Why are you crying? Why were you there?" He grabbed me and hugged me tightly. "W-would you promise to still love me if I tell you?" I sniffled. Austin looked into my eyes passionetly and responded with as much emotion as he had in his eyes. "Of course, nothing could ever make me stop loving you." He kissed me with so much love and emotion but I was too upset to kiss him back. My lips felt lifeless. Honestly, I am lifeless, oh wait. Theres a life growing inside of me, does that count? I tried to find the right way to put this. "Well, theres this ... man, this evil, horrible, disgusting man. He... he... he's been ... r-rapping me for a while. I leave for work at the dinner early but he always gets me before I get a chance to get into my car. He pulls me and takes me to his car. He, he.. he doesn't use protection and he's been raping me for weeks, I went to the doctor and ... I'm... I'm... I'm pregnate. With his kid." Austin's grip let loose. His body fell limp tears poured out of his eyes, he showed no emotion until he said in a dark tone "Get.Out." What?! "Wha- What?!" I stuttered. "I want you out. Get out of my house now. Please. Go." He looked like he was about to fall apart. His body trembled and his face was red, tears poured down his face non-stop. I could see the pain in his body. I wanted to take everything back... but I couldn't. I packed my things and I drove to Marissa's house. 

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