Painfully Sweet Insanity

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Awakened by a bird singing it's song outside my window
Brings memories of you to me
Though the sound is sweet
I yearn to stifle it's noise
Silence it for bringing tears to my already liquid filled spherical bodies
The sometimes wretched organs of sight

All I see is you everywhere
Even before I awakened from slumber, you tarnished my dreams gloriously, an invasion of my only escape
Even in the heavenly sound
Of this magnificent sounding creature
All I hear, see and breathe is you

When did my heart grow so much fonder?
Was it when I too heard for the first time the sound of your voice?
Although I searched myself
The answer I still cannot find
Cause all that's here and now
Is this immense feeling for you I have inside exploding

The light is now invading my room from the breaking morn
That bird is still chirping it's melodious song
The day is promising and already filled with life
But in me I feel dread
Fear of losing sight
As a single tear falls gently from my eye

All I see is you in every direction
Everywhere now even as I stare at the non-imposing paint on my bedroom wall
Even as I glance at the white cathedral ceiling above, so there you are
Everywhere I look I see you
All that I hear only brings your voice that I've come to love
Every element has remnants of you
You're etched in all things without end

I close my eyes and try to gain some rest from my days of sleepless torments
But it has proven to be more dire a task, for as darkness falls it causes invasions
You creep upon me like a salacious predator
Consuming me whole
Devouring me, heart, mind, body and soul

This thing that you've done to me, weakens my concentration
Causing me to suffer with feelings of sweet alienation
A transcendental feeling evolved to a foreign form
I'm powerless as I'm drugged by you
A drug I was unaware you had fed me or even possessed
A drug, that I, though blinded would have taken still, freely
This is a deceptive high, blurring the boundaries of all realities

That's the power you have over me
The power you use torturously like this bird outside my window singing ever so sweetly forcing me to think of you
Like my sleepless nights and dreams invaded by your presence

The intensity of all this
What we've found
Is driving me to insanity
A state that I'm now undoubtedly in, and
I'm caged in an internal asylum against my own free will
In it, you are it's chief in this inviolable refuge

You are temptations' clone
The object of all desires
A being placed on this earth to capture me and bleed my heart
To Imprison it, while yours is still free, so you portray almost convincingly
As you aim and fight to deceive
Even your own true heart
Trying desperately to control your growing desires, your love
This intensive mutualistic feeling as it morphs against your control
A control that's your forte but it's slowly breaking down

The temerarious words you spewed like a vomit lacking direct projectile
Damaged me and made my heart break into tiny drops of pain

You are indeed impetuous in all the matters of the heart
But still this, what we feel is real, a once in a lifetime gift bestowed upon us maybe by cupid's wretched arrow

As much as we tried to part
It was an epic fail in every which way as we are filled with cupid's poison
It's chemical composition unique to us 

It's elements unknown, a concoction from centuries old secrets therefore cannot be undone even if we tried

We are bound together even if our union makes us weak

Even if we part, forever in each others hearts we'll remain, planted like a seed

And throughout time, if we go our separate ways

We'll remember each other and what we shared

And there will still be regrets coursing through our veins 

Where cupids poison always remains

A poison that doesn't kill but grants lovers bliss

The one that mortals seek infamously but only few have found

Poetry of the Heart & Soul #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now