Chapter One

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Well hello everyone! It's nice to hear from ya'll again! Yes, I finally got this one out. Life gets busy, ya know? I really hope you enjoy this. It took me awhile to come up with what I wanted to do. Enjoy reading, and let me know what you think!

Let's face it. Everyone ends up with a stalker at some point in their life. Some are more exhausting then others, and some fade with time. But normal people wouldn't walk willingly to one, and especially wouldn't live with one. People would call you crazy if you did, especially if the stalker you're walking to is completely mental. Well, I ended up walking right into mine and let me just tell you what kind sick joke that is. But, trying to explain it to you without knowing how I walked into it would just confuse you, so let me start at the beginning. Not the very beginning, mind you, but where the madness began.

I sat with my face on my left hand, my eyes struggling to stay open as Professor Briggs, my Biology professor, ranted on and on about the molecular structure of a plant. I'm sure it had a very long scientific name, but to be honest I already clocked out of this class. I heard whispering next beside me and I glared over in that direction, catching the eye of mister goody-two-shoes, Henry Wallis. He had a stupid smirk on his face with his round glasses as he peered over at me, waiting for the right opportunity to let Professor Briggs know I was dozing off in class. Once he saw me looking at him, however, he shuddered under my glare and went back down to looking at his notes. I trailed my eyes back to the board as I huffed irritably. I wasn't someone a person would willingly pick a fight with. People got on my nerves a lot because for the longest time I didn't know how to interact with people until I met my best friend, Ally Hamilton. I met her back in middle school, and for some odd reason she wasn't afraid of me as the others were. No matter how much I picked at her, she still came around me. I finally decided she was okay when she stuck up for me in front of the junior bullies from high school. I mean, we both shared a trashcan that day. We got real comfortable with each other. But now, no one messes with Ally because they are all afraid of me. Ally was a ignorant little princess, and a part of me admired her for it. The other part of me hated her for it. I looked up from my book and looked at the clock hanging above the door and smiled when we had three minutes left. I shoved my book and notebook into my bag, and snatched my pencil up from my desk as I headed for the door.

"Miss Jessica, we are still having class," Professor Briggs stated, stopping his lecture as his eyes locked on to my back. I pointed up at the clock as I made it to the door entrance.

"Two minutes, Briggs. I'm not going to learn much more about the molecular structure in that amount of time." I heard the class snicker as I walked out and I heard the bustling of bags as the other students caught my drift. I headed outside and breathed in the nice summer air. Finals for college were in a week, with dead week coming up. I was so glad to be done with classes as I walked on the sidewalk towards the student center where I met up with Ally. I didn't even get close to the doors when I heard her high-pitched shriek.

"JESSICAAAAAAA!" I rolled my eyes dramatically as I looked over my shoulder to see Ally running at me, waving her hand in the air. My expression fell when I saw what she was wearing; a white laced skirt with a bright pink kami and a jean jacket over it. I crossed my arms and smirked as she came to a stop.

"Honestly, I swear you never look comfortable in all of those high fashion clothes," I sneered and Ally rolled her eyes at me. She looked me up and down and I smiled as I knew exactly what was coming.

"I am comfortable," Ally stated. She pointed at my shorts and overly large T-shirt. "You, on the other hand, look like the hobo who sleeps under the bridge." I shrugged my shoulders as we walked inside. The main difference between Ally and me was our taste in clothes. Ally had it in her to dress up every day, and every moment she got the chance. I, on the other hand, didn't own a single pretty thing in my life. I found comfort in overly large sweatpants, T-shirts and track shorts. I didn't own anything else, despite Ally's attempts to sneak dresses into my closet. We walked up to the Subway that was in the student center and while Ally ordered her usual sandwich, I walked over and ordered a smoothie from the smoothie counter. I sat down and watched unenthusiastically as Ally flirted with the sandwich guy, and then again with the boys who passed by her. She sat and front of me and raised her eyebrow, asking me 'What?'

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