Chapter Five

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I don't remember falling asleep, but I must've dozed off sometime in the night because I woke with a jolt, a nightmare replaying the events of last night waking me. I breathed in gasps, and the room was dark. The blinds on the windows were shut tight, preventing any light from seeping in. I suddenly felt claustrophobic, feeling the darkness of the room beginning to close in on me. Squeezing my eyes shut, I silently murmured to myself, trying to calm my beating heart. Once I could feel my heart rate decrease from the pounding, I opened my eyes again, regaining all composure. I tried to move my hands, but huffed angrily when I remembered they were still tied. The pain from the wound the knife had inflicted on me itched, and I was wondering how bad it actually was. Knowing my hands were tied made it true; everything that happened last night was real. I was worried about Ally. I didn't know if pig-face's heart was as tainted as Black's. I slid off the bed and walked over to the door. It didn't look locked. I kicked off my shoes and took off my socks with my feet. Once barefoot, I lifted my leg and tried to turn the handle with my foot.

"As amusing as this is to watch, I advise against leaving this room." I yelped and turned around, lost my balance, and fell face first onto the floor. I looked up, glancing around the room. I stared hard at the dresser until I saw the faint outline of a man sitting in the chair.

"Black," I growled and he chuckled. I heard him get up and walk over towards the door. He flipped on the lights and the light stung my eyes, leaving me blind for a moment as my eyes adjusted. I felt his arm slip underneath me and the next thing I knew, I was slung across his shoulder. "Put me down!"

"You seem to have an issue with gravity at the moment," Black said with a chuckle as he walked towards the bed. He dropped me on my stomach and pinned me to the bed by sticking his knee into my back. I gritted my teeth together to avoid gasping in pain. He really had no idea how heavy he was. "If you want me to untie you, you have to ask nicely." I growled a response and he smiled darkly at me. "I could always leave your hands like this. Your wrists are already infected. Why not die of an infection? It'll make no difference to me."

As unwilling as I was, I knew he had a point. "Untie my hands."

"That sounded more like a demand than asking nicely," he said and my body shook with rage.

"Untie my hands...please."

"Hmm, your please sounded forced," said Black and I tried to wiggle away from him. He pressed down harder on my back and I let a small squeak of pain out. "However, you did say please." I felt the cool touch of a blade on my hands and I felt the ropes loosen. I bit my tongue as Black pulled them off, taking flesh with it. He pulled his knee back, and I scrambled away, cuddling my hands to my chest. I stared up at his blank eyes as he held the rope in his hands. He raised an eyebrow. "Well?"

I gave him a confused expression. What was he waiting for? Then it hit me and I had to swallow pride to say it. "Thank you." He smiled darkly as he turned around, taking the rope to the trash can.

"I can see you never learned manners," he said as he placed the knife on top of the dresser.

"Oh I learned," I retorted. "I choose when to use them." His sideways glare made me think twice about being sarcastic with him. "But...I suppose they are appropriate here." He gave a smirk as he turned back around. I wanted to strangle his perfect little neck, but I'd need a freaking ladder to do so. I watched as he walked over to the couch on the far side of the room and picked up a bag. He tossed it towards the bed and I was shocked to see it was all my stuff.

"Shower and change clothes," he ordered. "We're going out." My shoulders slumped when I heard him say that and for a moment I reverted back to my old self.

"What's your definition of 'out'? If it's close to Ally's then my answer is no." The room was dead silent and it felt like icicles were beginning to form on the ceiling. I slowly looked over towards him and saw there was no humor in his eyes. His eyes were like a black abyss. He crossed the room faster than I could react, and one hand grabbed my neck while the other grabbed the collar of my shirt. My eyes widened in fear and he pushed me down into the bed, easily tearing my shirt off of my body. His knee pinned my legs down and he calmly stuck his finger near the crease of my breast. His eyes bore into mine, and for a moment I believed he was going to kill me. His hand tightened around my neck as he spoke softly.

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