Chapter Eleven

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Dark bags hung under my eyes as I trudged through the halls of the English department, my body shaking both from rage and fear. I had finished my last exam, and now I knew there was no turning back from the fate that awaited me. The trial was three days from now, and I knew living with Black for those few days would make me consider trying to throw myself into jail again. The iron bars and steel walls of the cell were more comforting then the luxurious room Black had given me in his home. Living with Black, however, made me realize how heaven-like my time with him in the Crimson Crow had been. Black made sure I was within his sight at all times, following my every move around the house. He seemed paranoid about something, but I could not figure this man out. I regretted bringing up the fact he could have chosen another girl; the following night was worse than my nightmares. I never repeated such a response again. I paused in my tracks and looked up at the Administration building. Then, an idea came to me.

Black had said he would support me going back to school if I wanted to, and I didn't give him a straight answer before. Now, I think I know exactly what I was going to do. I looked at my phone, and saw I had ten minutes before his men showed up outside the welcome center. My smile turned dark. I turned and walked into the Business office of the university, and headed towards the section where a student could sign up to do study abroad. If Black wanted to continue busting me out of jail, then so be it. There was no way he could know about me studying abroad until it was too late. He wasn't my guardian. Thankfully for me, I knew the woman in charge of it, so I prayed she would be able to pull a few strings for me. I came up to the door and rapped it my knuckles before entering. Ms. Schwicker looked up and smiled when she saw it was me.

"Why, Jessica! How nice to see you! It has been awhile since I'd seen you, yeah?"

"It certainly has been awhile," I answered quietly as I walked into the room. My expression gave away more than I wanted to, because Ms. Schwicker cocked her head to the side.

"What's wrong?" asked Ms. Schwicker.

"Oh, I'm sure you've heard," I replied as I sat down. There was a pause, and I looked away from Ms. Schwicker's sympathetic expression. "Everyone believes I murdered Ally," I continued in a whisper. "But no one knows what happened. And it's not as easy to explain as everyone thinks it is."

"Jessica, I do want you to know I don't believe you murdered Ally." My head shot up and I stared at her through rounded eyes. "She was your family. If I'm not mistaken, she was all you had left. You are not the type of person to murder someone in cold blood." I had come in here to discuss going away, but my emotions betrayed me. I had finally found one person who believed me. Tears dripped from my eyes, and I tried to conceal it, but Ms. Schwicker had already handed me a tissue.

"I can't believe you believe me," I said, dabbing my eyes. "It's been—"

"I know, Jessica. You don't have to say any more," Ms. Schwicker replied. "Actually, I had a feeling I'd be seeing you before the break." She pulled out a red colored folder and opened it, pulling out a brochure. "I was going to suggest you study abroad for the summer and for the following semester. You'll get ahead, still get the education you need, but you'll be in a brand new environment. You'll get to start over, in a sense." I smiled weakly at her.

"I was going to come to ask for it."

Ms. Schwicker smiled warmly. "I had a feeling you were going to. I left this open for you and I've already had a few conversations with the President of the university and your advisor. Both agree it is a good idea to get you away for a bit until you can stand solidly on your feet."

"Where are the options?" I asked as I thumbed through the brochure.

Ms. Schwicker began listing it off on her fingers. "There is Scotland, Italy, England, Spain, France, and New Zealand." I stared at her as she pulled out a pen and the paper and handed them to me. "You will have plenty of options."

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