Chapter Nineteen

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My discussion with Professor Peterson left me with a certain air of confidence. We discussed the topic of Black for hours, although I was careful not to mention his name. I didn't want to drag him into this—at least not yet. I sat at the smoothie bar in the student center of the college, contemplating over my thoughts. I didn't want to drag Denise and Sasha into this at all. I didn't want anyone else to end up dead. Professor Peterson, unfortunately, told me I didn't have a choice; he wanted in. Being away from Black has made me forget how cruel Black can actually be. I shuddered at the memory, rubbing my wrists as I closed my eyes, picturing the basement he kept me in. I didn't know what Black had planned for me, but I knew I had to play my part well. Rolling my eyes, I grabbed my smoothie, hopped off the stool, and turned around. I ran smack into a guy, and nearly fell on my back when he caught my arm.

"Whoops!" I looked up at the man who caught me. He had brilliant blue eyes, and his blonde hair was slightly messy. His eyes widened at bit when he saw me.

"Um, thanks for catching me," I said as he lifted me up. He looked at me for a moment, and I thought I saw a devilish glint in his eye. Then he smiled cheerfully at me, making my doubt go away.

"Not at all!" the boy said as he rubbed the back of his head. "I should be watching where I'm going. I didn't mean to run into you."

"I was in another world myself, so part of the blame is on me too," I said with a laugh. The boy looked at me, his eyes filled with a nostalgic expression. I cocked my head to the side, and he finally noticed.

"Forgive me," he said apologetically. "You just look like someone I knew from a long time ago."

"Your face was a bit contorted, so it must not be a happy memory," I said as I lowered my eyes to the floor.

"Quite the opposite," the boy said with a genuine smile. "It was a splendid memory. One I will cherish for a long time." The boy patted my head and turned around, waving as he walked away. "Watch your step next time!" I couldn't help but to smile at the boy who was leaving. For some reason, he looked strangely familiar. I couldn't remember. But I knew I had seen those eyes somewhere before. No one would be able to forget those blue eyes that welcomed you in, only to smother you in chaos afterwards.


Drake sharply turned the corner and made a dead sprint out of the student center. The one time he wasn't actually looking for Jessica, he runs right into her. Black is going to kill me. Drake turned a corner and finally made it into a small area with a fountain in the middle. Trees surrounded the area, and benches were placed along the walkways. Drake sat down and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't want to stay around too long; he could tell that she started to wrack her brain as she tried to remember him.

"Damn my good looks," muttered Drake.

"That would be a nice way to put it." Drake looked up into the eyes of Black, who was standing in front of him with his hands in his pockets. He looked pissed.

"You can't be mad at me," growled Drake. "For once, I didn't disobey on purpose. I was walking by and all of a sudden—"

"She ran into you. Yes, I saw the whole exchange."

"Shit man, you're like a phantom."

"Did it ever occur to you," said Black dangerously as he took a step towards Drake, "that once Jessica recognizes you, everything I've so carefully put together comes crashing down?" Drake instinctively jumped over the bench he was sitting on, putting the bench between him and Black.

"You're seriously pissed about the little chat we had?"

"You're lucky her mind was occupied!"

"And you're lucky I didn't do anything to remind her. You're not the only one who knows her, Black. She was around me a lot too." Black closed his eyes for a moment, calming himself down.

"Go back to the hotel. Try not to do anything stupid." Black walked right past Drake. Drake turned at looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

"Not going to punish me?"

"As much as you enjoy it, no I won't this time. I'm just going to go put a little more influence on Jessica. I think she's about to hit her wits end."


As I walked, I carefully studied each turn, each indent in the wall, waiting for Black to be standing there. Knowing he was back, I hate to admit, brought my survival instincts back up to par. I sighed heavily as I walked. I had told Denise and Sasha I would be busy all day writing my thesis, which of course, is a lie. I didn't want them to be around just in case I ran into Black. The last thing I wanted was for them to start asking questions. Questions that I didn't have an answer to; at least not yet. I walked into the library and set up my things on one of the few tables that didn't have another student already on it. I took out my books, my heart pounding inside my chest. I closed my eyes as my hands rested on my notebook. I don't know what I am going to do. Surely if I try to come up with a plan to defy Black, he'll find out. And if he finds out, everyone that I could potentially be working with will either end up dead, or they'll go missing. I opened my eyes slightly. I didn't want innocent people to get involved. Sasha and Denise were my friends for a short while, but I still didn't want them in harm's way. There was no telling what Black would do to them to get my attention. I could feel my anger boiling up inside of me as I remembered Ally.

"Busy minds aren't always the best solutions." I quickly looked over my shoulder, jolted from my thoughts. Black stood off to the side, his hands in his pockets and a calm expression on his face.

"Leave me alone," I growled as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You're starting to torture yourself, you know," said Black, ignoring my comment. "You're going to hit your wits end soon. And when you do, you'll probably do something stupid."

"You seem very sure of yourself," I snapped.

"Remember the last time I left you to figure out how you'd react?" Black walked closer, his eyes slightly narrowing. "You tried to leave the Crimson Crow and tried to take Ms. Hamilton with you." Anger danced in my eyes as I glared at him. "Not only did you fail," continued Black, "but two of my men had to lose their lives."

"But I didn't take their lives, Black," I snarled. "You did that all on your own."

"If they were tricked by you, they could be tricked by anyone."

I smirked. "Then shouldn't you take your own life? I tricked you. That's why we're all the way in New Zealand." Black's calm composure darkened and he made a small move towards me. He froze and his eyes scanned the room, landing on all the other students in the room. Black's smile was a dark as it had been before, back when I first met him at the Crimson Crow.

"Interesting words, Jessica," he said coolly, his eyes darkening with each word. "Your fire has certainly returned out of the ashes. Don't make me force my hand. I am intending on letting you choose, but you may need a little push." I narrowed my eyes at him. He put his hand back into his pocket and pulled out a picture. He walked over and paused in front of me. My whole body tensed up, and I could hear my heart pounding up against my chest. He leaned down to where his lips were inches from my ears.

"24 hours, Jessica," he whispered in my ear. "And then I'll make my own move." He slipped the photograph in my hands and then, after letting my hair run through his hand, turned and left the room. I watched him disappear around the corner before I looked down at the picture he gave me. My eyes widened and I felt my mouth go dry. It was a picture of Sasha and Denise sitting in the cafeteria. He wouldn't...I looked back up, my body filling with terror. I looked back down at the picture to see small writing in the bottom left-hand corner. It read "Just because they aren't with you doesn't mean they are safe." I clenched my hands into fists, feeling the tears sting my eyes. I didn't care what it was going to take. I was tired of him dragging in innocent people who happened to be associated with me. They wound up dead because of me. I crunched the picture in my hand and shoved the rest of my stuff back into my bag. I had doubts before, but now my mind was made up.

If Black wanted to play dirty, then by all means, so can I.

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