Chapter Fourteen

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I listened to the rain hammering against the window of my prison, my eyes closed as I leaned up against the wall. To some, staying in a large room with a fireplace, a queen size bed, four dressers, and a walk-in closet would seem like a dream, but to me it was prison. With me being freed from the murder charges, Black had taken full custody of me when my father failed to respond when the judge called. Typical of him, I thought sourly as I opened my eyes and stared as the water streaked down the glass. I don't know why I thought he would've answered. I hadn't seen Black in several days but he had kept me under close guard. Meals were brought up to my room and I had guards posted outside my door. After the court date, Black was not entirely happy I had lost my cool in the courtroom. As punishment, I endured hours of his "love", and was tied to a sink down in the basement of his mansion. Black had said before he would never raise his hand to me as if to strike me, and he kept that oath. Instead, he used various other methods of torture to ensure his dominance over me. Black had rooms under his mansion, rooms made for torture. He would leave me in one, and fetch me the next day to find new bruises and gashes on my body. Then, as if to apologize, he would doctor my wounds and remind me not to disobey him. What happened down in the basement, I intended to keep in the basement. To this day, Black said he would carve his very existence into me, and I was beginning to believe he could now. My resolve was beginning to break, just like my body was.

Three days had passed since the court date, and I couldn't get the thought of what Garrison implied that day. If there was someone out there who knew Black, perhaps there was a way to be free of him. I shook my head at the thought. According to Black, I couldn't get away from him. I had stowed away Garrison's card in a hole in the wall I had made previously. I was pissed off at Black and kicked a decent size hole in the wall. I had covered it up with a poster I had bought, under Black's supervision of course. I had several items hidden in that hole. One of the items was my passport for New Zealand. I was so ready to jump on that plane and leave for good. I had convinced Black that every weekend I needed some time to myself in the park, and he had agreed to this. The day I would be departing for New Zealand for the new semester fell on the day I would be taking a stroll in the park. I had mastered the layout of the area, and I knew where I could slip away without anyone ever noticing.

All of this was wishful thinking, but I couldn't hope but to be positive. I'd be leaving all of my stuff behind, but if there was one thing my dad was good at, it was making sure I had the money to survive. I had sent him a message a few days back, asking for a few thousand dollars for an investment I was making. I never heard back, but sure enough, the money appeared in my account. I reset my feet and then finally decided I was tired of leaning up against the wall. I began walking towards my bed when I heard the key being inserted into my door. I spun around and saw Black walk in, shutting the door behind him. I narrowed my eyes at him, and he finally made eye contact. He stared at me for a moment before breaking out into a smile.

"Why do you always give me such disapproving looks?"

"Because you deserve them." Black's smile widened, and he clicked his tongue as he took a couple steps forward. I took a couple steps back.

"You have been avoiding me lately. I'm almost hurt."

"If I could be so lucky," I snapped as I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't ask for a sassy remark," said Black as he continued to advance. "I haven't had the pleasure of your company in a while."

"It's a shame I've only been thinking how lovely it's been since you've been gone."

"Don't try to insult me, Jessica," Black said with a grin. "It has never ended well."

"I would love to insult you," I replied with a charming smile. "But I'm afraid I won't do as well as nature did." Of course I knew that was a lame insult to Black; even I had to admit he was handsome in all aspects. But raising his ego even more was out of the question for me. Black raised an eyebrow, smiling wickedly at me.

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