Chapter Seventeen

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I wake up in the best mood I've been in a long time. My meeting with Professor Peterson went better than expected, and he stated that my thesis was by far one of the best he has ever seen. I wanted to ensure my enrollment into the master's program for criminal justice, and I knew I had the perfect alibi to help get me in. I secretly thanked Black for those months of hell, for they helped me write my thesis. Professor Peterson did ask how I knew so much detail regarding specific cases, but when I refused to answer, he dropped it and continued on. Even some of the master students took a look at it, and stated how excited they were to have someone who was quite knowledgeable in certain areas to be a part of their team. I was thrilled when they informed me I would be recommended to join their honor society, which came with several different perks. I would get to sit in on court hearings and actually meet some of the criminals we would investigate for class. I didn't want to mention I already knew a world-class criminal, but I didn't want to put a damper on my mood. Professor Peterson mentioned he would be talking about some of the things I had mentioned in my thesis, particularly the area of stalking. I was excited to hear what he had to say on the matter.

I dressed myself in my usual track shorts and baggy t-shirt before exiting my apartment. I crossed the street, shrugging my bag back over my shoulder as I put my hair up into a ponytail. As I neared campus, I felt the same weird feeling as I did the previous night. Someone was watching me. I glanced over my shoulder to see no one, but I couldn't help shake this uneasy feeling that was beginning to creep up. I continued to scan the area, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I shook my head as I turned back around and proceeded to Professor Peterson's class. I couldn't help but feel over prepared for this lesson. The lesson was going to be over stalkers, and what to do if you are taking a case that involves one. I chuckled to myself as I entered the room and took my usual seat up at the front. I set my bag down and pulled out my papers, eager to hear what others had to say. I knew more about this lesson than probably Professor Peterson himself. I smiled when I saw Sasha and Denise walk in, and I couldn't help but to laugh at their exhausted faces.

"Morning," I said with a sly smile.

"Don't even smile at me like that," snapped Denise as she rubbed her eyes. "I barely got sleep because I was studying so late for that Anatomy test."

"At least you went to sleep," stated Sasha. "I was too nervous to sleep."

"I promise it's not going to be that bad," I whispered to them as I saw Professor Peterson walk into the room. "Just know the basic functions of the human body, which nerves connect where, and all those scientific names for the muscles."

"Oh yeah, that makes me feel loads better," scoffed Denise as she flashed me a sarcastic smile. I chuckled.

"I'll study a bit with y'all after class if I can."

"You're an angel!" exclaimed Sasha. I rolled my eyes as I faced the front, ready to listen to what Professor Peterson had to say.

"Morning class." He was answered with mumblings and groans. "Today we move on to actual case studying, and the one case that pops up frequently is the case of stalking. Now, there are two types. Can someone name them?" I raised my hand and Professor Peterson acknowledged me.

"Cyber stalking and physical stalking," I answered and Professor Peterson smiled.

"Yes, that is correct. Stalking can take place anywhere. Does anyone know why stalking occurs?"

"Because the stalker is a predator," I answered, more harshly than I had intended. This response got chuckles from the other students. Professor Peterson smiled.

"They can be, yes. A stalker is one of the most feared terms in today's society. A stalker is a person who stealthily follows other individuals, whether physically or virtually. The person being stalked is usually reduced to the position of a victim, making the stalker take on the role of a predator, or threatening in nature alone. What would you do if you had a stalker?"

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