Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Not guilty."

Those words hung in the air for a long moment, like the words were caught in a black widow's web. Neither side moved. Only the sound of Judge Mark's gavel sprung the room back to life.

"This court is adjourned." Voices rose up from the audience, mostly in disapproval of the verdict. I couldn't feel my body; it wasn't responding at the moment. Not guilty? How could he be not guilty? I slowly turned, shaking from head to toe, to Garrison.

"Shhh," he whispered as he pulled me into a hug. My fears overflowed, and the tears came out of nowhere. Garrison stroked my head as he tried to calm me, but my body was shaking out of control. I felt absolutely devastated. Was there nothing I could do to finally beat this man? I knew what I was going up against, but I had thought with my evidence, it would be enough to convict him. It seems I had yet again underestimated Black's influence and I knew, deep down, that was what Black was relying on for this trial. Every time I went up against Black, he was always one step ahead of me. Except this step would end up costing me my life. I heard Ladson congratulating Black, and my blood ran cold. The minute I left the courthouse was the minute I became hunted by Black again. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to die, right there in the middle of all these people.

"I can't hide forever," I sobbed into Garrison's chest. "He'll find me...he'll find me." The confidence I had the previous day vanished, and was replaced by a nameless fear.

"Do not leave my side," Garrison whispered into my ear. I kept my head down as he gathered his things. I chanced it, and raised my gaze. Black was staring right at me, with a cruel and complacent smile on his lips. Garrison offered me his arm, and I took it. He escorted me out of the courtroom and out one of the back doors, away from all of the reporters. He called a taxi, and he hustled me in, giving the address to the driver. He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to me. "These are your tickets to Nebraska, as well as money for the cab," he said in a hurried voice. "I have to go back in, but you need to go. Black won't be far behind." He shut the door and the car took off down the road. I was silent the entire ride, the recent events playing over and over in my mind. I had gotten cocky. I thought I could win. I closed my eyes as despair took hold of me. It didn't matter now. I had to leave. The car stopped in front of my old apartment. I pushed open the door, paid the driver, and ran up the steps. The door was slightly ajar, so I hesitated on going in. My mother was right there waiting for me.

"Sweetheart," she said as she hugged me, seeing my tear-stained face. I didn't have to tell her the verdict. She already knew. "I've got some of your things here. Where are the tickets?"

"Right here," I answered numbly as I pulled out the envelope. She took it from my hands and ran over to her purse.

"I already contacted your father. He'll be meeting us at the airport."

"How did you...?"

"Long story sweetie," she said in a hushed voice. "I'll tell you everything you want to know once we are on that plane." She came back over and looked outside. "Did Garrison not come?"

"No, he said he had to take care of some things back at the courthouse." She stared out the window for a second longer before going back over to her purse.

"We'll eat something once we get there," she said as she began to gather up the bags. "Jessie, come get your bag." I walked over there, still in a daze. I hoisted the bag onto my shoulder and looked up at my mom. She caught my eyes, and her expression changed to one of sorrow. "Sweetie, it'll be alright."

"Mom, he'll find me," I whispered and she came over and held my face in between her hands.

"No, sweetie, he won't," she said with a smile. "He doesn't have Drake anymore." I felt slightly irritated with the way she brought Drake up. This had nothing to do with him.

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