Chapter Twenty-Four

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Black opened the door for me, and I silently walked by him back into the house. My wrists were bandaged and the pain was still there, but I had to make sure my facial expressions were going to give nothing away. This moment was crucial for me. I walked in and stood in the kitchen where Black had instructed me. He vanished upstairs for a brief moment before entering the kitchen. His eyes met mine and I could see he was trying to read my face, but I quickly averted my eyes.

"You're extremely quiet today."

"I suppose so," I said softly. Black walked over and gently lifted my head so my eyes would meet his.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" he asked quietly. His eyes were still cold, and his tone didn't invite warmth. I huffed before returning his stare.

"I wanted to apologize." Black's eyes widened in disbelief, and for a moment I saw he didn't know what to reply. I continued. "I did...something rather selfish. Even though I hate you, if you hadn't been there..." I allowed my voice to trail off. Black continued to look at me until finally he found his voice.

"You still wish to find someone." I inwardly smile. Black was following along quite nicely.

"Well...that's beside the point. I just wanted to apologize and say thank you." Black was silent.

"This is unexpected." I looked up at him to find a wry smile on his face. He released my chin and took a step back. "Part of me believed you were welcoming death."

"There are many things I would do to try to get away from you, as you have already found out," I snapped and Black's smile deepened. "But taking my own life is the coward's way out. I realize that now. If I'm going to get away from you—"

"Which will never happen," inserted Black.

"—then I'm going to do it my way," I finished as I crossed my arms. Then I lowered my eyes to the floor. "Sometimes, life just gets to be too much and..." I allowed tears to come to my eyes. "Ally was the only person who listened and took my troubles into account. She was the only thing normal in my life. And now she's gone." I flashed an angry glare at Black, whose smile wasn't wavering. Black brought his hand up to his chin, as his eyes twinkled with an air of mischief.

"In other words, someone to talk to would be in your best interest?" I scowled at him and narrowed my eyes.

"Therapy is out of the question, Black," I snarled as I backed away from him. "We both know how well therapy works with me."

"I know how many anger management classes you attended," said Black as he chuckled. Black was silent for a moment, and then he closed his eyes. He opened his eyes again as I spoke up.

"May I call Ally's parents? I...would like to speak to them."

"Why?" Black questioned as he looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and didn't respond. Black sighed. "Tell me, Jessica."

"They listen to me," I answered. "They were around when my parents decided I wasn't worth their time." Black was silent for a moment. He was thinking about something, so I pushed my luck. "Could...could I set up a time to talk to them each day? Like a therapy session, but with them?" Black shot me a dangerous look, so I quickly spoke up. "I know what not to say," I said, "I wouldn't say anything against you to them. But...didn't you say if I desired something, then you too would desire it?" Black's eyes widened and I knew I had him. I couldn't help but feel victorious as Black's shocked expression was replaced by a puzzled look, and then an exasperated look as he remembered.

"You remember that, do you?" said Black as he gave me a soft smile. "I did not think you would remember. But, I did say it." Black was silent for a minute as he thought, and I could feel a cold sweat running down my back as he mauled it over.

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