Chapter Thirty-Three

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With it being my turn to take the stand, I walked up with confidence I haven't felt in months. Hearing everything Black said made me giddy; I knew exactly how to counter him. All I had to do was to wait for the right question from Mr. Ladson, and nail the son of a bitch right then and there. Tucking the photo Garrison slipped me up into a band I had around my knee, I sat down in the box and stared out into the space of the courtroom. I took a deep breath to calm whatever nerves were building up as I watched Garrison stand up. He smiled and nodded at me.

"Miss Hollands, would you mind telling the jury your account? Why do you press so many charges against this man?"

"I wouldn't press charges against someone unless they deserve it," I answered quietly, making my face look as sad as I could possibly manage. My voice was soft, and I made my eyes water. "But I can't keep quiet anymore. I know it is hard to believe to see such an outstanding man in the public eye go into trial, but all of the charges against this man are true. Black abducted me in the Crimson Crow, the same week Ally was taken by Justin Freel. There, this man raped me. It wasn't until after the week had passed I realized I had lost Ally. But I know now she wasn't killed by Justin Freel, but by this man. He murdered her to keep her quiet. The man before you is responsible for her death. But he framed Justin Freel, and blackmailed me to keep me quiet about what really happened. He tortured me until I was left with nothing. I fled to New Zealand to escape him. But he followed me there too. It was in New Zealand he said there was no where I could hide. He blackmailed me again, saying he would kill my friends like he killed Ally if I didn't return with him. I returned, and there, the pain and the torture became too much, so I tried to take my life. I wanted to desperately to get away from him. However, he wouldn't let death take me either. So, I planned out my own revenge. To show the public who this man truly is. Yes, I asked Garrison to support me, because I knew he was the only lawyer who was brave enough to go up against this man. I wanted to know what all this man was, so I did some digging. What I found was horrifying, and I was caught. I was placed in the basement in order to prevent word from spreading." I paused and looked down, knowing I had to milk it. After a moment, Garrison spoke up.

"Miss Hollands, that is an abbreviated story of the past events."

"I had to shorten it," I answered softly. "The rest is...painful to talk about."

"What made you want to bring this to the public?" I smiled. This was the moment. I waited patiently for a moment, and when I looked up, I saw even Black's expression change. The dark hatred burning in my eyes were enough to make the room go cold.

"Why?" I asked as I looked over to the jury, my hatred and anger bleeding out. "There is nothing more this man can do to me. He has taken everything from me. It is about time the world stop worshiping the monster he is."

"Monster is a strong word, Miss Hollands," said Garrison.

"Strong word it may be, but that is what he is. People have no idea," I continued, letting my hatred show, "what I went through. What this man has put me through. Why am I just now coming forward? Because I feared he would hurt the lives of those I cared about. However, everyone I care about is now dead. There is nothing he can do to me now."

"No further questions," said Garrison, and I saw the small wink he threw me. I knew what I had to do next. Mr. Ladson stood and walked forward with a cocky smile on his face. As he stared at me, I returned his cocky expression. Mr. Ladson thought nothing of it, but out of the corner of my eye, I saw Black stiffen up. He knew I had trapped Mr. Ladson. And I'm about to eat him up, I thought eagerly.

"Miss Hollands, can you answer a few questions for me regarding Mr. Black?"

"Of course sir. Which Black would you like me to answer for?" Mr. Ladson seemed puzzled by my response. I saw the jury out of the corner of my eye exchange confused expressions. Garrison had a huge smile on his face, but Black, on the other hand, turned rigidly pale.

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