Chapter Two

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"Room 305, sweetheart," the nurse told me as she pointed down the correct hallway. I muttered a 'thanks' and walked down towards my grandfather's room. I had already given my permission slip to Ally, and she was busy packing as we prepared to take the trip. I decided to let my grandfather know I'd be out of town for a week, given he'd even remember. I debated contacting my father, but I knew he wouldn't answer my phone calls so I shoved the thought from my head. There was no reason to get my hopes up over a lost cause. I opened the door to the room and saw my grandfather sitting in his bed, looking at the TV remote like it was some foreign object.

"Grandpa," I said as I walked in and he lifted his head up. His face broke out into a warm smile.

"Why Elaine! How lovely to see you my dear. How are you?" I felt my shoulders slump as I stopped a few feet from his bed. I sighed as a felt pain prick at my heart.

"Just fine, how are you?" I answered back, faking a smile. I was Eleanor for the entire week and now I'm Elaine? What's with all the 'E' names?

"I'm trying to figure out this odd contraption," he said as he smacked it against the bed.

"Allow me, Grandpa." I gently took the remote away and turned on the TV. His eyes got wide and I set the remote down. He clasped his hands together in fascination. 

"Elaine, you are such a smart young lady. How did you ever figure it out?"

"They teach you a lot of stuff in college. I even learned how to turn on TVs."

"Marvelous!" I smiled and snorted a laugh as he couldn't pick up on my sarcasm. I could tell he wasn't doing good, and I didn't know exactly how far mentally he was gone. My expression faltered when I saw him looking at the bed. "Confound it! I lost the blasted remote again!"

"Grandpa, it's on the bedside table," I whispered and he looked at me with an irritated expression.

"I knew that! Don't use that tone of voice with me, Eleanor." I watched as he grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. He's not stable...

"Grandpa, I'm—"

"Now don't call me Grandpa!" he said sternly, holding a finger up at me. "I have only one grandchild and that is Jessica." His face went downcast. "I wish she would visit me. I do worry about that poor child. It was never her fault for what she had to endure. Left all alone in a dark world...curse my son for leaving her."

"I'm sure she wouldn't want your sympathy," I said as I bit back the tears. "I actually have a message from Jessica." I watched as he looked curiously at me. "She wanted me to tell you she'll visit again when she gets back into town. She'll be gone for a week but she'll be back Sunday morning to see you."

"My Jessica...coming to finally see me?" I saw the tears in his eyes as he looked away. I sighed as I got up, slinging my bag over his shoulder.

"Take care until then," I said cheerfully as I left, closing the door behind me as the sounds of my grandfather's sobs became distant. I walked back to the receptionist counter and smiled as I left. I could tell by her expression she knew what was going on between my grandpa and I. He couldn't remember me. All he could remember since his stroke was the mere memory of me. I sighed heavily as I walked down the sidewalk towards my apartment complex. The idea of my grandfather not recognizing me stung, because he was the only family I had left. I grumbled to myself, and looked up to see Ally's shining silver Audi sitting near the front of the apartment. I shook my arms out and prepared to put on my 'everything's fine' face. According to Ally, I had several faces I pulled out to ensure people had no idea about what was going on in my life. As far as everyone was concerned, I was living happily with my family. I walked up to the driver side window and gently tapped on it, startling Ally inside. She jumped and when she saw it was me, she smiled and rolled down the window.

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