Chapter Eight

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I woke with a jolt, my body trembling with fear. The image of Nick being shot kept flashing through my mind. Never in my life had I seen three people with their brains blown out back to back. Remembering the men who lost their lives when I tried to escape, I drew my knees up to my chest and buried my face in them. The week was only half over, and I didn't know if I had the sanity to finish it out. Ally was a huge concern of mine, but with certain events unfolding, she became less and less my concern. Black was a monster. He was laughing when he shot Nick, and he didn't even look bothered by the fact he killed a man of his. My body began shaking as his words replayed in my head, the image of him taking out his gun the first time we met. I also know you are smart enough to know when you have no power in a situation. Black was right; I had no power here. I was simply a ragdoll for him to play with. I prayed silently that when the week was over, Black would simply let me be if I promised not to utter a word against him. I had heavy doubt Black would let me off the hook so easily, but I didn't see what he would benefit from keeping me around. He would have to let me go. I looked over at Black, watching his emotionless face as he slept. A dark idea sprung up inside my head, and a smirk touched the corners of my mouth. While asleep, this beast couldn't do anything, much less defend himself. Slowly and quietly, I got to my knees and lifted my pillow off of the bed, careful not to let anything touch Black. I looked down at him as I hovered over him, my pillow clenched in my hands. Suffocating was an easy way to go, and for this bastard I wanted something even more painful. But at that moment, I just wanted out. I didn't care how Black died, I just wanted him dead.

I raised my pillow, the idea of suffocating the man who has caused me so much pain racing through my mind. Before I could go through with it, a jolt of guilt shot through me. Would I really lower myself to this bastard's level? After a moment, I lowered the pillow, glaring angrily at the man as my hair fell over my shoulders, casting a shadow over my face. There was no doubt I hated the man. But to stoop down to the level of murderer where he was, was something I did not want to do. Tossing the pillow to the ground, I clambered out of bed, snatched a blanket from the closet, and made myself a pallet on the ground. I would rather die than remain in bed with Black. I knew better than to try and escape with him asleep. I knew he had guards posted outside. I closed my eyes, and welcomed an uneasy sleep.

I snapped my eyes open and bolted upright, shivering from a nightmare. I let out a heavy sigh as my body shook, and then I realized my hands were tied together with a zip tie, and I was back on the bed. I looked around and saw Black, looking down at a paper on the desk, with a coffee mug in the other hand. He was already dressed in his usual business suit, his dark maroon tie hanging loosely around his neck. I scowled at the look of him. Black's eyes flickered over to me and, seeing I was awake, turned towards me and smiled.

"You left me last night." I rolled my eyes and decided not to answer. "You should know you cannot leave the bed like that."

"I'm sorry I need permission to move," I snapped. Black's smile widened and he set his mug down.

"In fact, I should be thanking you." Catching me off guard, my eyes widened as I stared at his smug face. "I should thank you for deciding not to smother me. It would have been a very difficult situation for you should you have decided to follow through."

"You were awake?" I croaked out, my insides freezing.

"Naturally," said Black as he sat on the end of the bed. "You are a very sweet girl, Jessica." At this, I found my resolve.

"If you were awake, you wouldn't have let me get off the bed."

Black shrugged. "I figured giving you alone time would help make your situation better. I'd hate to be the only one enjoying myself."

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