Chapter Thirty-Two

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Day three of the trial came, and the odds against Black weren't looking any better. The witnesses he called were punctual, and they provided the perfect alibi for Black during the periods of suffering and torture I had endured. Not to mention they had rehearsed what to say regarding the Crimson Crow, linking everything to the already guilty member Justin Freel. Black had thought of everything, just like Garrison had predicted. He carefully chose who to represent him. My witnesses weren't much better. Garrison had called my professor from New Zealand, Professor Peterson, to the stand to testify on my behalf. Sasha and Denise were also called. I enjoyed every second of their testimony, because I was watching Black's face twist in irritation. The letter I had given them months ago contained all the information they needed to know about what was happening, and that letter was used as evidence in the case. Black couldn't hide the fact he was in New Zealand the same time I was, and even Professor Peterson identified him as a student in his classroom. Watching Black agonize over this evidence was satisfying in ways I couldn't describe. However, this testimony only placed him in the same place during a frightening time for me. As Garrison said, it isn't enough to convince the jury of everything Black is.

I sat next to Garrison in the court room, awaiting the judge to come in. It was the day we had to give our own testimonies, and I was beginning to feel nauseated. I didn't want to hear what Black had to say to defend himself. I knew it was going to piss me off one way or another. The next round of witnesses would come after we gave our own spill. Garrison didn't tell me who my witnesses were, and it made me nervous. Professor Peterson is the witness I mentioned, but all the others were unknown to me. I gave a huge sigh, and looked down at my feet. Ally would be proud of me; I wore laced sandals and a burgundy dress for my trial. To think I'd finally get into a dress—and it happens to be at a time when I am fighting for my freedom. I smiled at the thought, knowing Ally would have plenty to say if she were still alive. Garrison gently nudged me and smiled.

"Black is going to tell his testimony first, and then we will get to question him. After we are done, it'll be your turn. Try not to get upset when his lawyer comes at you. Remember to keep your anger in check."

"I'll do my best," I answered, not really sure if I'd be able to or not. That would solely depend on what kind of lies Black could concoct. Judge Mark entered the room, and we all stood for his entrance. As soon as he sat down, we followed in suit. I glanced over at Black and I saw his piercing eyes locked on me. His eyes were telling me to watch what I said, so naturally, I smiled darkly at him.

"The jury will hear the accounts of the accused, Mr. Wayne Black, and the accounts of the defendant, Miss Jessica Hollands. The jury will keep note..." I blocked out the judge's voice as I looked over again at Black. His eyes trailed to meet mine, and I saw the warning in them. I raised my eyebrow with a smartass smirk and mouthed the words 'Wayne?' to him before acting like I was laughing. Black's eyes narrowed and I looked away from him. I don't know why, but I was enjoying taunting and tormenting him. "Will the accused come to the stand?" I watched as Black stood and walked to the stand with elegance. I wanted to throw something at him as he sat in the box, looking out into the crowd. His lawyer, Mr. Ladson, stood and walked up to him. He smiled confidently at Black before speaking.

"Mr. Black, would you please recount your story for the jury."

"Certainly," said Black with a warm smile. My mouth dropped open. Where the hell did the gentlemanly attitude come from?! Garrison gently put his hand on my arm for a silent reminder to stay calm. I could feel a growl rising in my throat as Black continued. "It is to my knowledge I am being accused of many things, and many things have been declared by the defendant. Unfortunately, I do not have an elaborate story to tell because there is nothing I can say. The events I am accused of never happened. I cannot explain something to you if the events never occurred. I do not know this young lady on a personal level as she claims. She was a client of mine a few months back, dealing with the murder case of Ally Hamilton. The case was won, and the criminal, Justin Freel, was apprehended and taken to prison for his crimes. I have not heard a word from the young lady since then." Oh bullshit! I screamed in my head as I glared maliciously at him. You've heard quite a bit from me, haven't you? And you have the balls to sit up there and say you don't know me? You're the only one who knows me better than anyone else in here.

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