Chapter Twenty-Five

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"So, that's everything you know?" asked Garrison as he made notes. I had spilled everything of what had happened over the past months with Black: the Crimson Crow, the trial, Dustin, New Zealand, and finally with Drake. Garrison had listened intently and took careful notes. I had contacted Mrs. Hamilton and quickly told her what needed to be done. She had agreed, not just for Ally, but because she had said 'it's my responsibility as your mother too.' That phrase was enough to almost bring me to tears. I had informed Garrison with everything he needed to know. He put his pen down and clasped his hands in front of his face.

"Yes, that is everything," I said quietly. Garrison shook his head.

"That's not enough." My rage overflowed.

"What do you mean it's not enough?!" I shouted and Mrs. Hamilton jumped at my sudden outburst, but Garrison remained calm. "I've been living in Hell since—"

"Since Ally mysteriously won the tickets," finished Garrison, and I fell silent as my face was red with anger. "Please do not think I am not grateful for what you have provided me with. This is more than I had hoped for. But to get Black, I need more information on him as a person, not what he has done." I stared at him.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that you are going to have to do some digging of your own. To put it this way, I have a few people who will speak against Black. One of them is already in prison because of him. And I know you have someone who will speak up for you." I nodded my head. "Black commands an empire in the shadows, and is a knight to the people in the light. It will take more than your confession and the testimony of a few others. Remember, Black has thought of everything. More than likely, he will know how to counter an argument if something like this came up." I leaned back in the chair, my anger fading.

"That's true," I said as I stared at the ground. I was silent for a moment longer before looking at Garrison. "What do you need me to do?"

"First, we will continue our weekly meetings in this manner," said Garrison. "You will speak to Mrs. Hamilton, and she will relay the information to me. I do not think it is wise for me to linger, especially if Black has assigned a personal guard to you. We were lucky today." I nodded my head, and Garrison smiled kindly at me. "Your plan to get here was genius in its own way. I am sure you can see something Black cannot."

I smiled. "Black will make sure I stay by his side, no matter what."

"You are his downfall, Jessica," Garrison continued, "and what I am about to ask you to do will put you in more danger and in more pain than he has inflicted on you so far. Are you willing to do it?" I gave him a thumbs-up and a reassuring smile.

"You can bet your ass I am." Garrison smiled at my new fire.

" recognize that man that guided you here, don't you?" I lowered my eyes to the floor.

"Yes, but I cannot put it together."

"Your rage is your downfall." I looked at Garrison. "You have every right to be angry with the world and with your life. But that anger of yours is what Black plays with. He keeps you angry in order to keep you from focusing. I need you to focus on keeping yourself calm. That is the only way you will be able to beat him." I rolled my eyes.

"That's like asking a lion not to eat a lamb when he's starving."

"Then conquer your hunger." I stared at Garrison as he kept his eyes on me. His serious expression said that what I was doing was all up to me. I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'll do my best."

"That's all I can ask," said Garrison as he smiled. "Now, I believe our time is up. Mrs. Hamilton, I will sneak out the back way. Jessica, I will look forward to our next meeting. This is what I need you to do..."

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