Essence of Lydia---> Chapter 4: Atticus' POV

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After he told me that I was part of the Essence of Lydia, I didn’t believe a word he was saying. I scoffed and trotted off, especially when he told me the other half of me was out there, going through the same thing as me; my Lover. I sneered at the thought. I loved who ever the hell I wanted and no one was entitled to tell me that I’d be meeting some other freak like me and she is my lover. There was no way. Dev was completely out of his mind telling me these things.

I went into the forest; my get away. I loved the forest during the night. It was always better then. The fresh air hitting my face, the way the moon casts a shadow over the trees. It was just breath-taking. I smiled at the thought, because it wasn’t night time anymore. It was still beautiful in the morning, but it was even more magnificent in the night.

I walked around for a while, still contemplating over what Dev had told me earlier. I mean, why would he tell me such things? I’d never pegged as one with imagination. My eyebrows furrowed when I thought more about what he’d said. My mind wants me to believe that it was all just a lie, some joke Dev had made up; but my heart told me it was all the truth, and if that was all the truth… I had a lover out there… my other half. I wasn’t even from this world if that were the truth. This couldn’t be happening to me, but it did explain all the unexplainable things that have happened in my life. I looked up into the cloudless sky, think these things over one last time before making up my mind and finding my way back to Dev’s.

I could smell the ribs that he was cooking, with mash potatoes. He knew how to make an awesome lunch. I smirked as I made my way to where the smell seemed to be radiating from. He rolled his eyes at me when he saw me walking towards him.

“Have you cooled down yet Atticus?” He said, with amusement clear in his gaze. I scoffed, ignoring his question before taking a seat at the table and digging into the food that was begging to be eaten; which is why I almost choked when Dev said his next words.

“You’ll be meeting her in 3 days.” I swallowed the steak quickly at that and stared at him in bewilderment.

“THREE DAYS?! You want me to meet my lover in 3 days?!” I asked, astounded by why I would have to be meeting her so early after learning all about myself. He smirked at that, having caught my attention, that bastard.

“Yes, in 3 days you will meet your lover. You don’t have to automatically claim her, but don’t just decline her either. Just think about how she’s feeling. She might be the typical girl, who believes in true love and all this other stuff and is probably shocked to be hearing about her other half as well. Just… don’t be hard on her.” I scoffed at his heart-warming speech and then finished off my food.

“Yeah, whatever Dev. But if she so much as touches me in a sexual way, I’m going to point it out to her that she’s nothing to me except what the fate’s made her to be. I’ll point out that she really isn’t the one for me and that I don’t want her. So just hope that this girl can withhold from the destiny.” Dev rolled his eyes at my immature way of handling things; but I didn’t care… I was still pissed off about the whole thing.

“Well, no matter how you actually act towards her, you have to get started packing. We never know when we’ll be leaving; or if we’ll be leaving.” After that, he hurried off like the little punk he is. I cursed under my breath, not liking the fact that I was probably going to be staying there way longer than I wanted to be. Pushing away from the table harshly, I headed towards my bedroom chambers and began packing my belongings. This was going to be the worst days of my life. I thought as I packed away all the important things I’ll need there. I even heard that it was in a different dimension for crying out loud. How the hell were we gonna get there? I kept on rambling to myself, spacing out as I shoved things into my suitcase. 

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