Essence of Lydia---> Chapter 3: Embryae's POV

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They began to chant; although somehow it didn’t seem all too weird to me. The chanting seemed to trigger something within my memory that I’d long forgotten. I forgot about that thought as another shearing pain shot through me. I was clothed in my own sweat by this point. I looked up at the cloaked figures and then I noticed one step forward. When the hood fell from atop their head, it materialized to be Kam. I gaped at her, wondering what she was doing.

“K-Kam? What the hell is going on?” I hated the desperation in my tone, but panic was seizing hold of me as the pain increased. After their chant seemed to drift to an end, they looked up to the sky. I wanted to do so as well, wondering what they were staring at, but my body would allow for it. After one more shock of pain shoots through my body, the burning feeling resides and I am just left exhausted. I glance up at the sky then, and notice the green moon beginning to become white once more. Confusion filled me at that. It’d only been like 10 minutes, what the hell? I thought the green moon lasted for an hour?

While lost in thought, I didn’t notice that the cloaked figures had retreated and Kam had come towards me. Her gentle voice brought me back to reality. I flicked my gaze towards her then.

“Embry… I am so sorry. I didn’t mean for you to go through this. I was supposed to forewarn you before this happened. I was too chicken and now you’re in pain because of it. I guess we have a lot to talk about, but I guess that’ll have to wait until you’ve rested.” She smiled half-heartedly and then began to pick me up. She must’ve been exhausted as well, since she was unable to pick me up. She grunted in frustration and then called someone over.

Craig came into view then. Kam pointed to me and seemed to say something, but I my consciousness was loosing its control. The last thing I felt before slipping into my dream world was Craig picking me up and the soft pads of his feet hitting the solid ground.  Then everything went black.


When I awoke, I was lying down in a room that did not belong to me. I sat up quickly, regretting it the moment I did so due to the fact that it brought on a horrid headache from the quick movement. I took in my surroundings, ignoring my head pain. I was in a royal blue room. I stood up, not knowing where I was at all. At that moment, Craig walked into the room with Kam hot on his heels.

“I’m telling you, she hates red apples… it’s the yellow ones that she eats…” I heard Kam scolding Craig and I smiled at the conversation they seemed to be having. Kam trailed off when she noticed me standing. She rushed my side then, assessing me, checking if I was alright. When she didn’t see anything unusual she turned to me and smiled.

“You alright Embry?” She asked in a motherly tone. I smiled at her, noticing how I wasn’t the slightest bit exhausted like how I’d been last night.

“I feel better than ever Kam; although, it seems that we have a lot to talk about. You’ve got some explaining to do missy.” I said teasingly, wagging my finger at her. She chuckled but then sobered when she processed what I’d said.

“After breakfast.” She promised because following Craig out of the room. I followed them silently to the kitchen. Before the door even opened, I was hit with the spell of fruits, biscuits, bacon; every one of my favorite smells for food. A goofy grin spread across my face at the smell and I told them to hurry up so I could eat the mouth-watering food awaiting me. The rolled their eyes at me and then the door to the kitchen opened. Seeing the table spread out with food, I rushed forward and dug in. They were amused by my attitude, but were used to it enough to not question my sanity.

After eating, Kam led me to her room, which was a type of lavender. I smiled at it and then took a seat in a comfortable chair in the corner.

“Time for explaining.” I sung. I rolled her eyes yet again at my childish acts, but then took a seat as well, thinking over what to say to me.

“So as you know… you’re a princess. Did you know what of that you’re a princess for?” She started out. I thought for a moment, trying to remember whether I knew the answer to this. I came up blank, so I shook my head no. “Good, you shouldn’t have. You’re the Princess of Lydia, Embry. I know you’ve been wondering why you’re an only child and why your parents were never here for you.” I nodded, leaning forward in my seat, waiting for the explanation I’ve been wanting for all my life. “You are an only child because you were born without parents. You have no parents.” I gave her a look that told her I did not believe a word she was saying. It was impossible to be born without parents. “I’m telling the absolute truth Embry, and now I’ll tell you exactly why you have no parents. I’ll tell you where you came from.” I nodded for her to continue, getting tired of the pauses. “You were born from Lydia, Embryae. You were born on a night such as this. The green moon had just risen; it’d been the first occurrence of the green moon to be exact. Embry… you’re part of the Essence of Lydia.” I gasped, not knowing what to say to this. I wanted to laugh it off and not believe it like any other kid would that was my age; but I knew better than that.

“T-that can’t be the truth.” I whispered, but I knew it was. She shook her head, sadness filling her features. I gulped, before trying to put a comprehensible sentence together. “Wait… you said ‘part of the Essence of Lydia.’” I stated, she nodded in answer. I thought for a moment before voicing my thoughts aloud. “Where’s the other half? Is she/he my sibling then?” She thought about how to explain it to me before telling me flat out.

He’s most likely going through the same thing as you, although he seems to be in another dimension at the moment. You’ll be meeting him not too long from now, for it is destined for you two to be together; and no… you’re not relatives/siblings. You are supposed to be lovers believe it or not.” My jaw dropped open at that.

“Lovers?! This absurd Kam! There’s no way I can be in love with someone I don’t even know! This isn’t fair. How can the fates choose who I fall in love with?!” I was fuming at this very moment. There had to be another connection between us, I refuse to have a lover at the age of 16! She shook her head at me, a look of pity crossing her features, which infuriated me all the more. “I don’t need your pity Kam!” I yelled, storming out of the room and out of the house.

I had to figure some things out on my own. I might have believed all the other stuff about me not being from this world and what not… but when it comes to me falling in love with someone as it’s destined to be… I draw the line. I don’t even believe in true love, how can I… out of all the people have a lover?!

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