Essence of Lydia---> Chapter 19: Embryae's POV

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As soon as the corpse said that one word, I believed the end would soon come afterwards. I was trembling with fear as it charged towards me. That was when something completely knocked it out of the way and tackled it to the ground. I fell as it hit the ground and I saw the person I had been running from in the first place. Atticus stood there looking fierce as he fought the thing. He seemed to be pissed, but I didn’t know why he would; I was just a game to him. At that thought, I curled into a ball willing this nightmare to go away. I had never one in my life experience something like this before and I just didn’t know what to do.

After a few more moments, the ground began to shake as I trembled. I had no idea whether it was me that was causing it or something else, but I didn’t care at the moment because I had too many things rushing through my mind. Maybe this was all just some nightmare that my imagination had sprung up to spite me, and I would soon wake. I had to pull myself together though, because I knew that this wasn’t just some figment of my imagination. This was all real and that meant that Atticus was now fighting that thing all by himself. I was pathetic. How dare I call myself a hero to this place when I can’t even protect my own self. I cursed myself and that was when the ground seemed to open up.

I looked up in confusion and saw something that looked worse than the corpse. A Demon; I realized this and watched to see what it was going to do. It seemed to look towards Atticus though, as if it were waiting for instructions. I watched in fascination as this happened and saw surprised planted on Atticus’ face as he stared at the beast before him. He then got himself together and stared at the corpse mercilessly, willing it to die under his gaze and spoke the instructions the demon was to follow.

“Kill this imbecile.” He said, letting go of the corpse he had held onto, venom dripping from his every word. I had never seen this side of him and it intrigued me that I wasn’t the only one that had a destructive personality; he just seemed to hold his in more. The corpse took one look at the demon and began to run more into the forest, only for the demon to grin and chase after it with enthusiasm that made me want to smile if I hadn’t still been a little shaken up from the corpse. Before I had more of a chance to see what the demon would do, I felt a sickening pain rip through my body. My trembling had stopped, but this pain seemed almost unbearable. I was in so much pain that I barely noticed that I was being lifted from the ground.

I had begun to tremble once again as the pain increase with the running that Atticus seemed to be doing. It seemed like it hours for him to reach his destination. I heard him through the pounding in my ears as he sighed in relief. I knew because of that sigh that we must have made it to the destination. I snuggled closer, hoping that maybe he could take away this unbearable pain coursing through me. My breathing had gotten considerably heavier as well and I had to struggle to bring oxygen into my lungs.

I knew he had reached some door because it had then opened and I heard a gasp come from the person who seemed to be in front of us. I was beginning to get colder though, so I allowed my mind to drift to other thoughts. I was still vaguely aware that we were moving by the sway of my body, but I didn’t pay it much attention. I felt something warm touch my forehead before I felt coldness leak into me once more. I was confused about this, but didn’t linger on the coldness of my body. I seemed to be trapped in a place that seemed to be stilled; as if time had completely stopped and I was unable to move. I was completely frozen, and this seemed to scare me out of my delirium.

There seemed to be someone hovering above me, tools being used and I heard a beeping noise. I was disoriented in that moment, unsure of where I was. I tried to open my eyes, but they didn’t want to obey my commands. This was frustrating to me because I had absolutely no idea what was happening to me. I felt numb, and I was unable to function my body in any way. I then drifted off once more.

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