Essence of Lydia---> Chapter 1: Embryae's POV

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I snuck into the celebration of Lydia yet again; I knew that I wasn’t allowed to for some reason, but I was always drawn there. This time when I went though, I felt an unknown energy beginning to course through my veins. As I was starting to feel confused with this feeling, I heard footsteps coming towards me.

Shaking out of my daze, I turned to run, not wanting to get in trouble for sneaking in.

“Embryae!” Man… I guess I’m caught now. I tried to seem relaxed when I turned to see Kambrea. She looked at me, mad off beyond belief. I smiled at her lazily; my signature look. She scowled at me in response.

“Yes Kambrea?” I asked innocently. She huffed out a sigh in frustration.

“Don’t ‘yes Kambrea’ me! How many times do I have to tell you that you are not to come here?! It’s not safe for you here during the celebration of Lydia!” I looked at her in confusion, still not getting why I couldn’t come when all the other kids came. I cocked my head to the side looking at her for a moment.

“How come I’m the only one that’s not ‘safe’ to come? Don’t take me for an idiot Kambrea; I’m well aware that all the other kids my age come here every single year.” She seemed to think about something before voicing her thoughts.

“I’m sorry Embry, but I am not permitted to tell you the reason for why you are not allowed to come to these celebrations. You will know more when you turn the age of 16 hun.” She said, her eyes softening at me. She’s just giving me that look because she wants me to forget about this talk; she does this every single year. I sigh in exasperation, allowing her to win this because I couldn’t bother myself with thinking of other things to argue about. Plus, I’d already most likely been here most of the time anyway. Somehow, every year she always caught me before midnight arrived, I wonder how she always found me. Usually, she doesn’t even allow me outside during this night.

It was nerve racking, especially because she wasn’t even my real mum. I didn’t even know my real mum. Plus, supposedly I’m supposed to be the princess in this place, but I can’t even do what I want; I can’t even go to some celebration that happens every single year.

At least I won’t have to worry much sooner because I will be turning 16 the day after today. Actually, now that I think about it, my birthday used to be celebrated on this day, but that was… until I was old enough to actually know what the celebration was. I wonder why they chose to celebrate my birthday after today.

Before she could completely sweet talk her way out of this one, I spoke up.

“Hold up Kambrea.” She looked at me for a moment, trying to act as if she were the innocent one now. “Today is my birthday, which entitles me to stay here. I’m 16 at midnight actually, which is only in a couple of minutes.” I saw her visibly tense and look up at the sky, where the moon was beginning to turn emerald.

Suddenly a warm, tingly feeling began to swirl on my back. I lifted up my shirt a little to look there and saw that my birthmark had begun to glow green as well.

My eyes scrunched up in confusion and I heard Kambrea curse under her breath when she noticed the birthmark as well.

“Embryae… you can’t possibly want to stay here.” She finally uttered desperately, and now I knew that she wanted me to not be outside during this. It must have to do with my freaky birthmark. What was happening to it in the first place?

“W-what is it doing Kam?” I asked hesitantly, not sure if I actually wanted to know. Kam wouldn’t meet my gaze at that point and that was when the burning increased 10 fold. I flinched at the shock in sent throughout my body. I collapsed onto my feet, because for some reason they felt weak and were unable to hold my weight. “Kam! What the hell is going on?!” I finally yelled, unable to control the swirling panic in me.

“It’s happening… I tried to warn you that you weren’t ready Em… I’m sorry.” Kam muttered and then dashed away from me, leaving me on the ground helpless. People in cloaks began forming a circle around me then.

What the hell is going on here?!


Sorry it's short, but I'm not that good with writing long chapters.. it's something I need to work on. ;D

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