Essence of Lydia---> Chapter 17: Embryae's POV

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Shivering involuntarily, I forced myself to calm my heart beats and then whispered, allowing my words to be a caress to his ears, also allowing a questioning tone to slip through as well.


“Have you now?” At my words, I heard him suck in air as he leaned his forehead against mine. But seeming to freeze all of a sudden as he looked passed me. That was when I remembered why I had stopped in the first place. We were at the graveyard and he seemed to be just noticing it.


“Did you intentionally bring us here?” He murmured, seeming to be confused by my actions. He seemed to catch the drift that I hated cemeteries. Take a breath mentally, I decided to reply in a jest-like manner.


“I hadn’t been paying attention, but when I found out where we were, you tackled me mister.” Although I said this in a joking manner, I still felt nervous here, not knowing what could set my powers off. I also remembered we were still on the ground when he suddenly stood up. I looked at him for a moment, wondering what he was going to do. He held out his hand to help me up then. He chuckled suddenly, and I noticed that I had just been looking at his outstretched hand as if it were alien to me. I puffed my cheeks out in embarrassment before grabbing hold of his hand.

As he pulled me up, I noticed him looking around the graveyard once more. I decided to take in the scenery too, still nervous that I might do something while here. I was just anxious to leave already.

”You wanna leave?” He asked quietly. I quickly snapped my eyes back towards him, startled by his sudden words, before I registered what he had said. Trying to sound a little more nonchalant than I actually felt, I replied.


“Yeah, let’s go ahead and head back to Kam’s.” I said, surprising myself when my voice was only a murmur. He seemed to have other plans though, it seemed. He suddenly pulled me towards him. I was a little confused by his sudden movements, unsure what he was doing. I noticed, too late that he had been moving towards me, leaning in. My eyes widened, knowing was he was about to do, and I froze. Before I could unfreeze myself, his lips crashed onto mine.

That certainly brought me out of my trance though, initiating a gasp to escape my lips. His lips seemed to capture mine in a way that I’d never felt before. Adrenaline rushed through my veins, electrifying me, and forcing my heart to beat heavily against my chest. Not a day in my life had I felt this, it was even better than the first time he had kissed me.

Only, this time I wasn’t completely out of control and needing the assistance of someone or something to distract me. I was about to pull away, not wanting to have this kind of contact; as well as not liking the way it had made me feel. As if was a part of me that had been missing until this moment. I wanted to pull away so bad, but my body then chose that moment to react. My lips were suddenly unfrozen and I found myself kissing him back, our lips moving in sync.

When we finally pulled away, it was only for air. When he tried to lean in again though, I forced myself to take a step back, trying to clear my head. This shouldn’t be happening! I wanted to choose my own destiny! How many times have I told this idiot this, and he decides to pull this! I turned my fiery gaze upon him then. His eyes seemed to be studying mine nervously, his cheeks going carmine as my eyes met his. This looked of nervousness almost melted my heart in that very moment, but then I remembered what this bastard just did.

I pointed an angry finger at him then. As I did this, he seemed to be confused as to what I was about to do.


“You!” I yelled at him angrily. His eyes widened in surprise by my actions, but he remained quiet, wanting to hear what I had to say. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” I exclaimed. He seemed to be deep in thought with this question, as if thinking what would be the best way to tell me.


“What do you mean?” He asked, pulling an ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about’ act, pissing me off all the more.


“You know exactly what I’m talking about!” I yelled, my face flushing in my anger. His eyes studied before he rolled his eyes at my dramatic actions.


“There’s nothing wrong with me Embry.” He said, as if he was bored of this conversation already, before he added, “It was nothing.” This somehow struck a nerve with me though, for some unknown reason. Frustrated by the way my body seemed to react to him, I shook my head and walked off. I needed to get away from the graveyard before something happened and he would have to ‘distract’ me again.


“Wait! Embry.” I heard him say, as I heard his footsteps running after me. At the sound of his feet hitting the ground and coming towards me, I took off in a sprint. I just needed to be away from him because even though I hadn’t wanted the kiss to happen, for some stupid reason, it hurt that he had acted as if that kiss meant nothing. He had acted that way both the times that he had kissed me. It was as if I were just some amusing toy that he could use anytime and be done with it afterwards.

This had been one of the reasons why I could never really trust anyone except Kam; and now I’m stuck with him because we are supposed to save the world in about a month. It couldn’t be true that we were lovers though; I could never love someone like him.

I hadn’t gotten much far when I ran into something. The solid object moved not one inch, making me bounce back and fall onto the ground. When I looked up, I almost screamed. I was beginning to panic. Don’t tell me I did this! I hadn’t even done anything! I had been running away from the cemetery for heaven’s sake!

Standing before me was a decaying corpse; but it didn’t seem to be just any corpse. Its body was rock hard, its eyes were pitch black, hate swirling in its depths, and his /its lips were curled into a snarl.

Looking back and forth, I tried to find some form of escape. There was no where I could go though, because I had no idea where I had come from. The sky was beginning to darken as well. My heart beats accelerated in that moment as fear began to seize hold of me. I gulped as it looked at me like I was the one who deserved to be dead and not it. I backed up, but seeming to sense that I was about to run, he came towards me. I was trembling in terror now. I turned to run, but I was too slow. I screamed as the beast grabbed hold of my hair and yanked me towards it. Sweat was beginning to form on my skin. I couldn’t even think of how to activate my powers in that moment. What was the use of having these powers if I could do nothing with them in my time of need?!

I hadn’t noticed the tears that were beginning to cascade down my cheeks, until it dripped onto my trembling arms. I had run from Atticus, and this is what my punishment was I guess. Looking up into the dark abyss of its eyes, I saw death. It began to sneer as me and I felt a painful sting on my arm. I looked down and froze. A large cut ran up my arm, sneering at me, as if it found this to be some sick joke. I tried to back up once more, but I couldn’t, for the corpse still had my hair in its grasp.

“Die!” It snarled, before I heard a silent scream rip through me. 

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