Essence of Lydia---> Chapter 15: Embryae's POV

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“They deserve to know. Embry actually made an impressive speech of why exactly they should know the prophecy actually, but I’ll get into that late. I will need you to go get the scroll Dev.” Kam said this nonchalantly, authority clear in her voice as she spoke. I sometimes admired her for it, but I knew that I would someday be able to speak with such authority. Dev had grudgingly gotten up to go get the scroll then. I wonder what would be in there. Anxiety seemed to seize hold of me as I thought of all the possibilities that the prophecy could possibly say.

A little while after Dev had left, he returned and hesitantly handed the scroll to Kam after she gave him a look. At that, I heard a deep chuckle and knew instantly whose it was. I turned, amused, to see Atticus trying to hold in his laughter, which Dev seemed to be glaring at him. After that little amusement was over with, we all became serious and turned to look towards Kam. This was the moment where it would forever change mine and Atticus’ life.

Kam seemed to be thinking up a way to start us off. While she thought about it, I allowed my gaze to wander over to where Atticus sat, staring intently at Kam. I had no idea how this would end up. Could we really be lovers? I thought back to the kiss we had shared in the graveyard; thought back to the electricity that had shocked me out of my rage. He had been able to stop me from raising the dead. He seemed to sense my gaze as he turned to look at me. Normally, a girl would blush at being caught staring, but I didn’t feel embarrassed at all. He looked at me quizzically, but I did nothing but study him.

Finally, Kam seemed to be able to find her voice, bringing our attention back to her.

“Okay now. I will allow you two to know the prophecy, but do not try to stray too far from destiny now.” She said, in a soft voice, as if someone would overhear us. Atticus and I nodded in sync and then Kam sighed before reading the prophecy to us. What she said seemed to make no sense to me. Sensing my distress, Kam decided to break it down into pieces. So basically, the time that Lydia was soon to come again, was when the prophecy should be fulfilled. It was on the 16th Lydia to come. Only a month away. This revelation crashed down into me as I took this in, but I made no comment. How the hell were we supposed to learn how to fight and control our powers in a month?! It was almost completely impossible! We were to travel into the Realm where Lydia was first created and then, we would have to protect it because it was foretold that evil was arise there during the 16th Lydia. Only the two lovers, also known as the Essence of Lydia as a whole, would be able to protect it.

I stood up abruptly, needing air; needing time to think over this prophecy that would surly kill the both of us. There was no way a couple of teenagers would be able to protect an entire Realm! I stalked out of the living room and Kam allowed me to go, as well as Dev after Kam had shot a look at him. This was all so new to me and I probably only had one more month to live. I knew that I was being selfish because Atticus was going through this as well, and he seemed to be taking it well. I stopped abruptly at the entrance into the woods, feeling an all too familiar presence following me.

“What do you want Atticus?” I asked, my voice coming out sharper than I had intended. He seemed to stay quiet for a moment before responding to me.

“Where are you going Em?” I gulped, not in the mood for this nickname. I spun on my heel then, turning my fiery gaze upon him. He seemed to look a little anxious as well, which seemed to calm me and allow me to get a hold on myself.

“I don’t know. I just needed some air after hearing that we would have to risk our lives in one month. It just doesn’t seem… plausible for us to pull off in such a short amount of time is all.” I looked into his eyes and he seemed to understand and feel the same way about it. I turned, about to head off into the woods, but a firm hand grabbed my upper arm and turned me towards him. I rolled my eyes at him, but then he spoke up.

“You can’t just go running off like that. Who knows what could happen when our emotions are out of control. You shouldn’t even allow yourself into the woods when something like this happens.” He said, trying to talk me out of going in there. I rolled my eyes yet again at his words.

“Don’t get so uptight about this. My emotions aren’t really out of control right now, I’m just a smidge worried about what will happen to us in that amount of time. Will we die?” I murmured the last part to myself, unsure if we will. I heard him sigh, and then felt his hand nudging my chin up to look me in the eye.

“We have to at least try Embry. It’s what we were created for.” As he says these words, a new searing rage boils through me. He seems to notice my change in mood and was probably cursing himself in the head for it.

“We were created to die, is that what you’re trying to tell me Atticus?! That if we don’t follow through with this destiny, that we will have been a mistake; that we will have no purpose in this world?!” He face-palmed as I talked, but I was raging. Maybe we were meant to protect this Lydia Realm, but shouldn’t we at least have a say?

“That’s not what I meant Embryae. I hadn’t meant for you to interpret it like that. We are important. These people need us. Our lives may be at risk, but so are everyone else’s lives. We’re the heroes in the end Em.” I sighed, allowing myself to calm down. I nodded curtly, not able to look into his face. “Anyway, I uh… I wanted to talk to you about what happened at the… graveyard earlier.” My heart skipped a beat when he said this, and I hated that he was able to do that to me.

“What about it?” I ask nonchalantly; not wanting to seem too excited to talk of it. He sighed in frustration before speaking.

“Don’t act as if you don’t know what I’m talking about Embry. I know you know what I’m talking about because I know you felt something there too.” I sucked in a breath, letting it out shakily.

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” I say, keeping my voice steady and not meeting his gaze. I wasn’t used to talking about affections and all this other crap. I could deal without it. He was silent and for a moment, I think he won’t respond and just leave me here, but then he speaks.

“I know you felt it Em. I know that both us are finding this whole ‘lovers’ thing ridiculous, but we should at least give it a shot. Not because of the prophecy, but because maybe we could find out own way to fall in love; not because it’s destiny.” I could almost scoff at how mushy he was sounding, but some part of me also thought it was sort of cute that he thought this way. I finally meet his gaze.

“Okay, but don’t be getting mushy on me now. I can’t promise anything… but I’ll try.” At the last part, I looked away… too embarrassed to look him in the eye. I can’t believe I just said that to someone. It was probably the mushiest thing I’ve ever done. Cursing myself for it, I pulled away from Atticus, who was just standing there in shock and started to walk away. He seemed to snap out of his daze then and tried to stop my retreat.

Before he could grab a hold of me though, I ran. It wasn’t an actual sprint, like I was trying to get away from him, but it was a teasing run; as in… I intended for him to chase me. He seemed to get it and chased after me after a soft chuckle. Finally, before I knew it, I found that we were nearing the graveyard. I wanted to stop and turn back, but I was then tackled from behind. Feeling Atticus’ hot breath on my neck made my shiver in pleasure, irritating me as well.

“Caught you.” He murmured against my ear.

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