Essence of Lydia---> Chapter 7: Embryae's POV

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Kam looked at me confused, looking to know nothing about what had just happened to me. What the hell?! Wasn’t she supposed to know things like this about me? Suddenly, recognition shown throughout her hazel blue eyes.

“But… it couldn’t be true. That was only supposed to be in myths!” She murmured to herself. I scoffed when I heard it.

“Well obviously it’s not, so tell me what the hell is happening to me?” She stared at me in awe for a moment before she decided an explanation was waiting. She cleared her throat nervously, thinking over how to start it off before speaking.

“I’m sorry I hadn’t known this before Embry. So in the myths, it claims that there is actually supposed to be 1 Essence of Lydia, but on that night long ago, out came two infants. We didn’t know exactly what to do with the other one when it was clear that you were the original, so we sent him into a different dimension known as Tameris. Well, in the myth, it also claims that you were to have complete control of the Afterlife and Spirits in all worlds. We’d assumed that since the first part of the myth hadn’t been true, and since you were split into two forms, that the power of spirits weren’t going to be transferred between the two of you. I guess it was.” I gulped, taking in all she’d said. So there was only supposed to be one Essence of Lydia? Then how come in the prophecy, it claims that the 2 Essence of Lydia were to be lovers?

I voiced my thoughts and then Kam began thinking it over, probably trying to remember why exactly it was like this.

“It is said that you were supposed to have a lover that was your other half, but we didn’t exactly get what the prophecy was telling us until we noticed that their were 2 Essence of Lydia’s walking these dimensions. I mean, I guess we could be wrong, but I’m pretty positive that this guy arriving tomorrow is your lover Embry.” I bit my lip, trying to keep my anger under control, afraid of what my body might due if I let my anger build up yet again.

“Ok, so I was supposed to be the original Essence right?” Kam nodded in response and then I continued. “So how does all of this add up? What exactly is this prophecy you keep telling me about? I know who this guy and I are, but I’m not sure what exactly we’re supposed to do in this prophecy.” Kam nodded, seeming unsure of herself before she answered; she seemed a little skittish as well as if I would pounce on her as soon as the words left her lips. When she spoke, I understood why she was skittish.

“We are not permitted to tell you Embry. It is against the rules.” She said regretfully, not looking me in the eyes. I think I growled low in my throat at that, which surprised me. Was it normal for people to growl? Suddenly, this all seemed to be coming out to be something in a movie, it sounded as if we were werewolves or something; due to the lovers… sounding somewhat like imprinting. It was just overall weird to me. I shook my head at her, not wanting to talk about it anymore, just wanting to mentally prepare myself for what was to come tomorrow.

Hopefully this ‘lover’ of mine wasn’t too abnormal, or arrogant in any way. Sighing, I said my farewell to Kam, explaining how tired I was at the moment. She said her farewell as well as I walked away from her home.

When I arrived home, I was anything but tired at the moment. My thoughts were running wild on what would happen tomorrow. Would just seeing each other automatically make us fall in love like in werewolf stories? Do we fall in love after everything we’ve been through? How would love feel like? All these thoughts occupied my mind and I didn’t like it one bit.

Finally, I forced myself to go to sleep… knowing good and well that I’d need it for tomorrow. With that thought in mind, unconsciousness began to trickle in and claim me as his.


I awoke to the smell of food coming from downstairs. Who would be downstairs cooking in the first place? Then, as my mind cleared, I remembered that Kam always came over in the morning to cook my breakfast. Smiling, I made my way to my bathroom to take a much-needed shower.

After showering, I threw on some black skinnies with a white tank, the rushed downstairs.

“Good morning.” I said, oddly in a good mood as I took a seat at the table. I had a feeling something good would happen today. Kam looked at me in surprise as she laid down a plate of food in front of me.

“You’re in a happy mood today. I thought that you’d be in the worst mood ever, considering who’s arriving today.” I thought a moment on what she was talking about, and that… made my mood plummet completely.

“Ugh… I’d completely forgotten that he was arriving today.”  I said, venom dripping from the words that left my lips. She rolled her eyes, now knowing why I’d been in a good mood. I’d totally forgotten about all this Essence of Lydia business!

“We’re leaving to meet them at the Portal after you’re finished eating.” Kam spoke quietly, trying to seem innocent. My eyes narrowed at her, and then I processed what she’d actually said.

“There’s a such thing as a Portal?!” I exclaimed, excited that they were actually real! She nodded, amusement lingering in her hazel blue eyes. I scowled at her for laughing at something as cool as a Portal! I’d always wanted to see one!

I hurriedly ate my food and then we were off to the Portal.

I was literally jumping; waiting to see how a Portal would look by the time we reached an abandoned hill.

Seconds after arriving, the wind seemed to pick up speed and lights began to flitter around, centering themselves on a center point, forming a door. The door seemed ancient almost; although it seemed a little eldritch in a way, it was beautiful to me. I watched in utter amazement, but then it opened and I frowned.

Out came a guy who seemed to be the same age as Kam, which was around her early 20’s. She greeted him subtly then.

“Dev.” She spoke curtly.

“Kam.” He replied. I ignored them completely when a hot (and when I mean hot… I mean HAWT!), guy stepped out of the portal. He had blond hair that resembled the color white, somewhat; had eyes that practically shown the color grayish-indigo; had 2 ear piercings in his left ear, as well as snakebites; was built extremely well; as well as had a slight tan. He was exactly the guy of my dreams. I punched myself mentally for thinking all those things about him and looked away.

Trying to connect my gaze with something else other than the beautiful stranger in front of me, my eyes connected with the slowly fading Portal. I frowned at that. Kam nudged me then.

“What are you frowning at?” She said, amusement in her tone.

“The Portal is disappearing!” I exclaimed, hoping she’d share the same feeling; she didn’t. Instead, she decided to chuckle at me.

I heard a deep chuckle come from behind me as well, sending shivers up and down my spine at the very sound. Slowly, I turned around, glaring at the beautiful stranger.

“Who the hell are you and why are you laughing at my distress mister?” I bellowed viciously to him, not wanting him to think just because he’s hot he gets off easily.

“The name is Atticus, and you?” He said instead, his eyes burning with intensity. I ignored him and turned to this ‘Dev’ person as he began to speak.

“Seems like you got yourself a fire-cracker.” He said to Kam, in a jesting manner. I rolled my eyes and him and turned to leave then.

“Well, I’ve seen the magnificent Portal, so I’m gonna go ahead and head home.” I say sneakily, trying to get out of hanging with my so called ‘lover’.

“Oh no you don’t Embry.” Kam said in a demanding tone.

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