Chapter Three

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Matt was expecting class to be a bore today. The teacher had promised written work rather than practical, and Matt didn’t know if he could get through without falling asleep. He hadn’t had much sleep last night, for Tyler had gone out and told him to be up when he got back. It was about three when Tyler finally stumbled through the door, drunken and angry, and had taken it out by yelling and screaming at poor Matt, despite the boy only trying to help him. Like usual. So now, Matt would be surprised if he could concentrate in this lesson.

“Take your seats, take your seats.” The teacher, whom Matt didn’t even bother to learn his name, called as he set his laptop down at the front of the class. Matt sat in the corner of the class, by himself. He didn’t really have anyone he knew in this class. Or this university, for that matter. That was until a stranger came over and slipped into the empty seat next to Matt.


Matt looked over to see Josh, the guy from the coffee shop, beaming at him through his shaggy hair. Matt grinned.

“Hey, Josh.”

“Was anyone sitting here, or am I free to sit wherever?”

“No, no one was coming.”

Josh raised his eyebrows slightly, but moved on. “Nice sweater.”

“Huh, it’s my friend’s. I borrowed it.”

“Ah right. Why do you even need a sweater? It’s like, a billion degrees out.”

“I, uh, I get cold easy.” Matt smiled, blushing slightly.

Before Josh could ask any further questions, the teacher began the lesson, first giving a brief introduction and then telling the students what they had to do.

“So for the next couple of weeks, I’m asking you to get in groups, and you have to record at least one song per person. Groups are no more than four people – and you can’t work on your own. I’ll need you to make notes on recording, lyrics, and all that stuff. Extra credit goes to those who write the songs. If you’re learning an instrument you will be required to play that.” The teacher paused for breath. “Also, I want it to be on a CD, in a case, and I want album artwork and all that jazz. Its due just after end of term break and it’s worth forty percent of your final grade so I expect it to be great.  Are you with me?”

The class nodded excitedly, and Matt looked up from where he was taking notes to see Josh smiling back at him.

“This sounds fun.” He noted. “How about you and me work together?”

“Looks like a deal.” Matt smiled.

By the end of class, Matt and Josh had brainstormed various ideas, Matt scrawling his into a notebook whilst Josh typed furiously on a laptop. When class was over, he slipped the laptop into his messenger bag and got out his phone.

“Can I have your number, so we can meet up and work on this sometime?”

“Sure.” Matt took Josh’s phone, and tapped in his number, saving it and sending a text to his own phone.

“What’re you doing?”

“Sending myself a message. So...” He got out his phone as it buzzed and saved the number. “I have yours now too.”

Josh grinned and they got up to go. Matt hitched his rucksack onto his shoulders as they walked out of the classroom.

“So, can you play an instrument? Or do you sing?” Josh enquired.

“Both, actually. I know piano, but I’m learning guitar. How about you?”

“I sing. But, I also play whatever, piano, drums, guitar, bass... but I’m not learning anything at the moment. I’m working on my singing.”

“Wow, that’s a lot. A one man band.” Matt joked.

“It’s expected, my parents are both involved in music. Actually, my dad owns a studio, aside from the coffee shop. The shop’s more a day job of sorts, he just gets money from there and works when he hasn’t got clients at the studio. He’d probably let us record there, if I asked him.” Josh held the door open for Matt, and they walked out into the bright sunlight.

“Really? That’s amazing!”

“Well, it’d be better than recording it on some shitty mp3 recorder, right?”


The boys chatted about the project until they got near to Josh’s coffee shop.

 “Uh, I promised my dad I’d work late for him, so I’m leaving now.” Josh said, somewhat awkwardly, as he jabbed a thumb in the direction of the store.

“Oh, that’s okay.” Matt smiled.

“It is. Anyway, it was nice to start talking to you.” Josh leaned in to hug Matt.

“It’s good to finally have a friend at college, that’s for sure.”

“I know the feeling.” I’ll see you later.”

“Bye!” Matt grinned and waved slightly as he walked off down the road.


A/N: Bit of a filler, really! Sorry!

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