Chapter Forty Nine

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"Ngh..." Josh groaned as he rolled over sleepily, wincing as he let his eyes adjust to the too-bright sunlight. Matt was stirring beside him, and he reached over shamelessly to smooth his hands over Matt's bare torso. He kissed Matt as he properly woke up, knowing that Matt would freeze up on instinct, before relaxing and calmly pressing back into the kiss. He too winced, as they pulled away, blinking and smiling at Josh.

"G'morning." He slurred, his voice still laced with sleep, and the traces of a minor hangover.

"Morning, sweetheart. You alright?" Josh asked, ever cautious.

"Of course. You're so gentle with me, however tipsy you are." Matt said, referring to last night. They'd raided Josh's parents' alcohol cupboard, Matt firmly telling Josh that he wanted a drink and he was alright with it. They'd only drunk a bit, just enough to get tipsy, and spent the rest of the night giggling as they lay in close proximity.

"Mm, right. I never thought-" Josh cut himself off as he looked at Matt cautiously. "Oh shit."

Worriedly, Matt looked down at himself. "What? What is it?"

Carefully Josh traced his fingers over Matt's neck, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "I got carried away..." he mumbled.

"What the fuck?" Matt asked, genuinely confused. After pulling on his boxers, Josh got up and headed to the bathroom, where he returned with a handheld mirror. Before giving it to Matt, he pulled his best innocent face.

"Promise you won't get mad."

Matt snatched away the mirror and looked at himself, gasping when he saw the dark red and very noticeable hickeys all over his neck.

"You dick!" he exclaimed with a shout of laughter. "Your family's coming over today!"

"That's not exactly what I was thinking about at the time, Matty-"

"Have fun explaining to your sisters why your boyfriend has hickeys all over his throat, Jesus Christ." Matt stared in bewilderment. Josh laughed. It wasn't as if Matt had never had a hickey before, but they were never this noticeable. They even trailed down to his collarbone, the deep red marks standing out even against his tanned skin. "Jo-oosh." He whined.

Josh took a seat next to Matt but Matt dropped the mirror and tackled Josh backwards, so the taller boy lay on his back with Matt pinning him down.

"What... what are you doing?" Josh said, slightly taken aback at Matt's newfound ferocity.

"Getting my revenge." Matt stated simply, a smirk on his face as he ducked down to kiss Josh hard, and Josh wasn't about to complain.


"Matty, this is my Nanna, she's my mom's mom. Nanna, this is my boyfriend, Matt." Josh introduced his grandmother to Matt, who smiled politely but was quickly whisked into a hug by the short elderly lady.

"My my, you're handsome." She commented, holding an uncomfortable Matt at arm's length. "Joshua, you chose well."

Matt felt even more uncomfortable and Josh pulled him away discreetly, laughing loudly. "I know, he's pretty, huh?"

"You look after my boy, Matt." She said to the brunet, and he nodded eagerly.

"Of course, Mrs... uh, Mrs..."

"Mrs Rogers, dear, but you can call me Nanna. Everyone does." The small lady walked away, smiling lightly as Josh's dad handed her a glass of wine.

"Josh?" A shrill voice exclaimed from behind the pair. They both turned around quickly to see a young blonde woman standing near the door.

"Vicky!" Josh replied, rushing over. So this was Josh's sister. She seemed nice enough, Matt guessed. She had a friendly face and she'd brought a man - a very tall man, probably even taller than Josh - and a small child with her.

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