Chapter Forty One

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"So, Mr Webb, we're gonna do a couple of x-rays to determine the fracture in your arm. I'm guessing it's a pretty clean break judging by what I've seen before. You're lucky. You're gonna need a couple of stitches on your lip there, but other than that, it doesn't seem you've got concussion - just a nasty headache for a couple of days. Some good rest would cure that." The doctor said. "And I just need to check that cut on your side for any foreign objects, okay? So lay on your side for me."

Matt's eyes - well one eye, as the other bruised one was covered by an ice pack - darted to Mike, who bit his lip. They both knew Matt had dozens of scars on his torso that he didn't want to expose. "Uh..." he mumbled.

"Mr Webb." The doctor repeated, motioning for Matt to lay over on the paper covered bed that he was seated on. Reluctantly, Matt lay on his side as slowly as possible.

"Alright, I'm just gonna roll your shirt up a little to check out the cut." She announced, rolling the fabric of Matt's shirt up to his underarms. "That's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Still nasty, but reasonably clean."

"Okay." Matt said, shutting both his eyes as she applied an antiseptic cream to the wound.

"May I ask, what's the cause of these scars on your back?" She asked politely.

Matt bit his lip. "Uh," He mumbled again. "I, uh, a boyfriend... who..."

"An abusive partner?" She suggested.

"Yeah, I guess you could call him that." Matt said, comforted when Mike put his hand on Matt's ankle (because it was the closest thing to him) to calm him down.

"How long ago was this, Mr Webb?"

"Hmph, six months ago? Maybe more..." Matt estimated.

"Are you still with him?" She asked as she wrapped gauze around the wound, wrapping a bandage around his middle, and telling him to sit up again.

"No, god no. I was with him for about three and a half years."

"And he was abusive for how long?"

"Probably the best part of three. It's fine... I'm out of there now. I'm alright now."

"You're still at risk." She said plainly. "If you don't mind my presumptions, he caused today's injuries?"

"Yes." Matt admitted meekly.

"Then you're definitely still at risk." She said gently, cleaning up her workspace and getting needles and thread out for stitches. "I would suggest calling and informing the police, Matthew."

"He'd kill me." Matt whispered.

"Not if he's detained in a jail cell."

Matt sighed, and looked to Mike, who seemed to be agreeing with the doctor.

"Fine. Tomorrow morning, I'll go." Matt reluctantly agreed.

"That's the best decision. I'm proud of you, bud." Mike added.

Josh sat with his head in his hands, tapping his feet as he waited for his boyfriend to come out. He was hoping they'd say it was just some little bruises, just some scratches, but he knew that wasn't the case. If it were just some bruises, he wouldn't still be sitting here after an hour.

"Josh, calm down, you're gonna get an aneurism, and then we'd have to sit here even longer for you to get checked out as well!" Miranda joked, and when Josh looked up, she could see the sadness in his eyes, and she took on a more serious tone. "He's gonna be fine, okay?"

"This is my fault. If I had just picked up the fuckin' phone..." Josh said.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. Matt was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and anyway, his ex is disgusting to do that to him."

"Guys?" Mike approached them, and Josh and Miranda both looked up at once.

"Holy shit. Where is he? Is he okay?" Josh flustered.

"Josh, calm down. He's fine. The doctor just finished putting some stitches in his lip now. He's just gone for an x-ray, and when he comes back, and depending on what type of break it is, he's gonna get a cast put on his arm. Though the doctor says she thinks it's a pretty clean break."

"See? I told you he was fine." Miranda said smugly. Josh shot her daggers.

"When can I see him?"

"Wait until he comes out after the cast, alright? He's okay." Mike explained, grimacing as he took a sip of his now cold coffee. Josh nodded but curled in on himself. He stayed like that the whole hour and a half that Matt spent in the emergency room. When he came out, Josh was nearly asleep, but awoke briskly when Matt rubbed his shoulder.

"Hey." He said quietly. Josh looked up quickly to see Matt. He noticed the swelling in his eye had gone down, but there were black stitches across his bottom lip. Matt self consciously looked at the floor. "Um, can we get out of here? Please?" He asked, and the small party got up at once and left the hospital, standing in the parking lot.

"Are you gonna be alright?" Mike asked cautiously.

"Yeah, I've got to go to the pharmacy tomorrow to pick up some pain relieving meds and antibiotics, but other than that, it'll heal up pretty quickly."

"Are you gonna do what she said?" Mike asked, and Matt nodded.

"I'll go when I go to the pharmacy."

"Okay, well, you know where I am. Call us if you need us, alright?"

"Yeah, I will. Thank you, man, you're the best." Matt said, hugging Mike awkwardly with his cast and injuries and all. He retracted and smiled at his best friend.

"Take it easy, Matt." Miranda said. "Make Josh look after you."

Matt shook his head and rolled his eyes as they walked off to Josh's car. "I owe you!" Matt called as he seated himself in the passenger seat. He looked over at his boyfriend.

"Are we okay?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, babe, we're okay." Josh said. "I'm sorry for overreacting."

"I'm sorry for being... for letting..."

Josh just shook his head calmly. "How... how are you gonna explain this to my mom?"

"I should probably tell her the truth. She deserves that at the least."

Matt watched as Josh shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can't believe that I wasn't there for you."

"Well, it's in the past now. It'll be over before you know it. I just can't kiss you for a little while."

"What?" Josh groaned, smiling crookedly at the brunet. Instead of a reply, Matt leaned over the centre console and kissed his boyfriend sweetly.

"But I can kiss you now, because they numbed it where they put stitches on it."

"Mhm, is that why you sound drunk?"


"And what about your cast?"

"Look. It's gonna heal in like, six weeks, they said." Matt grinned. "I feel we need a crafts project to make this less boring."

"Hey, the last time we did something creative, we nearly set fire to the kitchen."

"We can use glitter."

Josh giggled as he started the ignition. "That's a plan."

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