Chapter Forty Six

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“Okay, so I think I’ve narrowed it down to...” Josh pushed a case of three rings in front of his friends and the sales assistant. “These three. What do you think?” 

The first ring was silver, a thin band of metal with a knot tied through. It was pretty, small, and minimalistic, and perhaps a little girly, but Josh knew Matt’d like it, because of what it meant. Second was a wide gold band with two grooves in, and a tiny little diamond in it, and Josh thought Matt’d like it because it was sparkly but not too sparkly, unlike the singer’s obscene taste for all things flashy and irresponsible. Finally, the last ring on the case had a silver band with a huge diamond set in.  

“Well, I don’t like that one. It’s too girly.” Kira pointed at the third, and Josh nodded. “What one do you think Matt’d like the most?” 

“I’m not sure, that’s the thing.” Josh sighed as he looked at the rings again. “I’m not sure if he’d get offended because they’re quite girly.” 

“Josh.” Ian reprimanded. “Are you seriously saying that?” 

Josh rolled his eyes and looked back at the rings wistfully. 

“I like the first one. This one with a knot in.” Kira said, smiling at the sales assistant as she nodded. “S’like... you’re tying the knot, but not quite.” 

“We’re not getting married yet.” Josh quickly said. 

“Yet. Maybe one day. This one’s promising him.” Ian stated. 

“Aww!” Kira grinned, nudging Josh, and making him blush. “You’re the cutest.” 

“So what’s it gonna be, man?” 

Josh sighed, and turned to the sales assistant. “Can I take this one please?” 

“Sure, sir. Do you know his size?” 

“Ah, no,” Josh said, fishing into his pocket for something. “But I have one of his other rings.” He handed the worn silver ring to the sales assistant, who quickly measured it on the chart they had handy. She returned the ring to Josh and the case to the shelf, disappearing quickly and returning with a boxed ring. 

“You’re in luck, sir, there was one in the right size out back. We don’t have to order one in now.” 

“That’s great. Can I check it?” 

“Of course.” 

Josh opened the box and slipped the ring onto his own finger. It didn’t even look too girly, after all that. He was pleased; it was perfect. It was subtle, and not too flashy. Like the brunet it was delicate and Josh grinned down at the silver in the box. Matt would love it. 

“That’s it. Thank you so much. What do you guys think?” He held it out to show the others, and they grinned and nodded. 

“It’s perfect.” 

“Good call, man.” 

Josh grinned as he paid for the ring. He just couldn’t wait for Matt to see the ring. Christmas was becoming more and more exciting now. 



“Baby.” Matt groaned, dragging out the vowels as he draped his arms around Josh, who didn’t even stir. 

“Mm... what?” 

“What did you get me for Christmas?” Matt playfully poked at his boyfriend’s ribs. 

“Nuh...” Josh murmured, squeezing his eyes shut tighter when Matt crawled over him to face his front. “Not telling.” 

“Why?” Matt exclaimed. 

“Because it’s the middle of the night.” 

“It’s eight am.” 

“Exactly.” Josh replied. With a sigh, he held out his arms, and Matt slotted himself into the gap. His fingers danced across the stubble on Josh's chin, and he giggled. 

“Babe, you need to shave.”  

“No, I was growing a beard jus’ to piss you off.” 

“Josh!” Matt gave his boyfriend a gentle shove as the elder smirked. “I’ll have beard burn all over my face, you moron.” 

Josh laughed, carefully taking Matt's hands. “I was joking; it’s going as soon as I get up.” 

“Good. Get up now, I need your help wrapping people’s presents. It’s Christmas in like, no time, and I’m one handed here.” Matt got up himself and stretched, discarding his old shirt but not quite bothering to put a fresh one on as he looked at the calendar. “Shit.” He mumbled. 

“What?” Josh said as he got up and made their bed. 

“We gotta go court in two days. The twenty third... the day before Christmas Eve, Josh! Fuck.” Matt started shaking instinctively and Josh rushed over to hug him protectively.  

“It’s fine. I handed in some of our photos and so did Mike. You’re absolutely fine.” 

“A... a lawyer?” 

“My dad’s got one for you. It’s fine. Just breathe. Do it with me, okay? Bre-ea-athe.” Matt complied, resting his forehead on Josh's shoulder.  

“You’re too good to me.” 

“Not really.” Josh said, seating the younger boy in the desk chair and wheeling it around the room playfully. “You deserve the absolute best.” 

“J-Josh.” Matt stuttered between giggles as he tried to grab the arms of his chair with his good hand.  “Sto-op! I’m going dizzy.” 

Josh laughed goofily. “I can show you the world...” He sung the classic song from Aladdin as he spin the chair, making Matt laugh. “Shining, shimmering splendid...” 

“Josh!” Matt exclaimed as the chair suddenly stopped spinning. He tried to stand, to no avail as he fell due to his dizziness. Josh caught him, but they both stumbled backwards and fell to the bed. Giggling, Matt shook his head and Josh brushed away the hair from his eyes. 

“Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?” 

“Hey,” Matt said, attempting a menacing look. “I’m not a princess.” 

“No, sorry.” Josh kissed him softly. “You’re my Prince Charming.”

a/n: this is a filler and i don't like it but ok

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