Chapter Forty Seven

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"Ah, Matthew, you're right on time." A tall man greeted Matt, clasping his hand tightly and shaking it. He was smiling widely to expose glowing white teeth, and Matt thought he'd stepped right out of a lawyer ad. He was wearing a perfect grey suit with a crisp blue shirt, and Matt glanced uneasily at Josh. "My name is Timothy Waters, it's nice to meet you. I work with Mr Ramsay."

"Oh, oh right. Nice to meet you." Matt smiled, clenching his fists to stop his fingertips shaking. "Please call me Matt."

"Right, Matt. I've been over the case with both Michael and Joshua, and we've built up a valid case against Mr Shelley..."

"Wait, you went over this without me?" Matt asked quietly, furious at how much he sounded like a little kid. Josh placed his hand on the centre of Matt's back.

"I didn't want you to worry, Matt. You'll have an opportunity to correct us in a minute, if we went wrong, but I don't think we did."

"I'm not doubting you, s'just-"

"Sorry to interrupt, Matthew, but I've got to go in. I'll see you in a minute." Timothy smiled, giving an unprofessional thumbs-up as he entered the courtroom. Matt looked to the people around him. There were Josh's parents, Miranda and Mike, Kira and Ian, Danny and Ashley, and of course - Josh, looking devotedly at the shaking brunet in his suit (that had been heavily ironed by Josh's mom). Matt didn't remember Kira and Ian being informed of the situation, but he didn't care. That wasn't a big issue now; soon enough a whole roomful of people were going to know all about Matt's past.

"Matt, c'mere." Mike spoke up, taking his best friend in a bear hug and patting him on the back.

"He's in there, isn't he?" Matt said, his voice cracking embarrassingly as he choked back tears. His mind cast to the last time he was in a court, when Tyler was in that same grey suit that he always wore for when something dire came up. His piercing hazel eyes boring into Matt's skin like lasers.

"Don't worry about him." Miranda reassured. "You don't even have to look at him, alright?"

"His... his parents." Matt choked out. "His parents are lovely, and they were nice to me... and... and now I'm trying to prosecute their son."

"Matt, that doesn't matter. You know what happened wasn't right. It's all in your favour."

Matt took some deep breaths and checked the time on the ornate clock hung on the wall. "What time do we go in?"

"Eleven. You've got fifteen minutes."

"Okay." Matt said. "I'm... I'm just gonna go f-find a restroom..."

As the brunet walked away, Josh sprinted after him and helped him up the wooden stairs. Matt gripped Josh's hands until his knuckles went white and they went to the restroom together. Matt sighed and haphazardly splashed cold water over his face, drying it off with a paper towel.

"Jus' gimme a minute." Matt mumbled, as he shut his eyes and his breathing became laboured. Josh quickly ran over and placed steady hands on the boy's hips.

"What am I going to do, Josh?" He said in a small voice.

"Relax. We'll all be there the whole time. It won't last long, I promise."

Matt didn't reply, just trailing his fingers up and down Josh's blue tie.

"Babe. Look at me." Josh said calmly, and Matt reluctantly looked to his boyfriend. Josh cupped his face, gently kissing his nose. "It's gonna be alright."

Matt nodded, and they left hand in hand.

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