Chapter Forty Two

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Matt tried not to chew on his lip on the drive home. Instead, he mused silently, looking out of the window at the houses and trees and cars rushing by. He didn’t hurt as much because of all the pain medication they gave him, but he knew it’d start kicking in sooner or later. 

“So what happened?” Josh broke the silence, not taking his eyes off the road. 

“Uh,” Matt said, shifting slightly. “I left in a hurry. There wasn’t anyone around, and because it was dark and all, I started to get worried, so I called you, but you were busy, so I just kept walking, and then Tyler grabbed me from behind and he and Dave pulled me into an alley. They were both drunk, I think. Tyler just yelled at me in the first place, and I did my fair share of yelling back which was awful of me, I know... Then I got away somehow, but Dave stopped me and just kinda, uh, threw me against the wall? I don’t really know. Then they just hit me some more and buggered off, that was it.” 

“Baby...” Josh said. “I should have picked up the phone.” 

“But you didn’t, so that’s that. Been and gone and done now.” 

Josh nodded at Matt's sharp words. “Right.” 

Matt frowned. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to say it like that. I’m just tired, and irritable...” 

Josh stopped the car as he pulled into the driveway. “I know. It’s fine. D’ya wanna go to bed, or do you want to get something to eat first?” 

“Food sounds good. Before my mouth starts hurting again.” Josh helped Matt out of the car and held his hand to the door and through the house to the kitchen. 


“Hi boys, where did you-” Debbie asked, and then she looked up and her face paled at Matt's appearance. She let out a shocked gasp, covering her mouth. Her eyes darted to her son worriedly, but Josh just closed his eyes briefly and set Matt down in one of the chairs at the kitchen table. 

“Are... are you...” She stammered, putting the utensil she was holding on the counter and rushing over to see the boys. She tilted Matt's face up to look at him properly, and with wide, confused eyes, she placed her hand to her heart. “What happened, sweetheart?” 

“I need to talk to you about it, actually. Um...”  

“Mom, d’you want to sit down? I’ll get you both a drink.” Josh said, ushering his mom to sit down as Matt explained his story – including all about his parents – to Josh's mother. Josh placed two cups of tea in front of them, and returned to the counter to finish whatever his mom was doing, which turned out to be just the washing up. 

“It’s okay... I’m okay now.” Matt eventually said.  

“No you’re not; you were just up the hospital, for god’s sake...” Debbie protested.  

“Josh's gonna look after me.” Matt looked up at his boyfriend, who pulled a sad smile. “At least, I hope he is.” 

“Of course!” Josh exclaimed, coming to sit down next to his mother. 

“What was his name?” 

“Tyler Shelley?” Matt told her, almost making it sound like a question.  

“And what does he look like?” 

“He has a lot of tattoos.” Matt admitted. “Though not when I first started dating him. He only had a couple then. Oh my god, Josh, he had a new tattoo on his eyebrow, up here.” Matt gestured to the space where he’d seen Tyler’s new tattoo and giggled. “It looked silly.” 

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