Chapter Thirty One

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A/N: hello another little pre-warning at badly written almost attempts at smut how rude this is so embarrassing i'm done it's not even anything oh well

A few days later, Matt snuck out of the house early in the morning, while Josh was still sleeping, to go to the local cat sanctuary. He was going to meet Josh's parents there, as they had a meeting with a construction team this morning. They’d talked it over, and they all thought it was a good idea to let Josh finally get what he wanted; a cat. They planned to adopt one from the shelter and take it home for Josh to wake up to. Funnily enough there was already one there at the shelter which seemed to fit what the Ramsays wanted; a small, black and white kitten. She was left with her sisters in a box on the doorstep of the shelter a couple of days previously and Josh's mom had told Matt about her plans and the story of this cute little kitten. Today, they were going to pick her up.

Mr Ramsay smiled as Matt approached him.

“Matt, how are you?”

“I’m fine, Mr Ramsay, thank you. How did the meetings go?”

“Not bad. Construction can start in a couple of months if everything goes according to plan.” He smiled, using a hand to gesture to the entrance of the shelter. “Debbie has already gone inside; do you want to join her?”

“Sure.” They walked into the shelter, and were immediately greeted by an elderly receptionist wearing a blue jacket with the shelter logo on. She led them to where Debbie and the kitten were, and Matt almost squealed when he saw how cute the tiny animal was.

“Oh my god, she’s absolutely perfect. He’ll love her.” Matt said, smiling as wide as he could.

“Shh, baby, shh.” Matt whispered as he walked down the stairs to where Josh was still sleeping. “Don’t want to wake him up just yet, do we?” he mumbled away to the little cat in his arms, who mewled sweetly in response. Carefully, he sat on his side of Josh's bed, placing the kitten between him and the sleeping boy. He leaned over gently and kissed Josh to wake him up.

“Sweetheart, wake up. I have a surprise for you.” Matt breathed, watching as Josh slowly opened his eyes and adjusted to the morning light.

“Mm... Matty... good morning...” He mumbled, stretching and sitting up. Suddenly the kitten mewled loudly, catching Josh's attention. His eyes snapped open, and he searched for the source of the noise. Soon enough he located the tiny creature, and his eyes lit up completely.

“Oh my god!” he exclaimed quietly as though not to scare the kitten, gently picking up the miniscule furball and cradling her in his arms. “Is... is it mine?”

“Yeah, yeah she is.” Matt explained, unable to hide his grin. “Your parents and I picked her up from the shelter this morning. Figured you’d need cheering up after that bout of flu.”

“Oh my god.” He repeated. “This was your idea?”

“Yeah, well, I mentioned it to your parents, and we sorted it out from there. She doesn’t have a name yet so that’s your job.”

“You’re the best boyfriend in the whole entire world and I didn’t know it was possible but I love you even more for getting me a kitten.” Josh grinned as wide as he could, picking up the animal in two hands and bringing her up to his face so he could look at her. She licked his nose, making both the boys laugh.

“Hi baby. What’s your name?” He whispered, smiling and completely oblivious to Matt sneakily taking a picture. “Oh my goodness, Matt, look, it’s like she’s wearing a little tuxedo jacket. Look at her markings.” Sure enough, the white stripe going across the chest of the infant cat looked a little like a tuxedo. “I’m calling her Tux.”

“Tux? Tux is a good name. Cute.” Matt said, taking off his jacket and slipping into bed beside Josh. “We can stay here for a while but it’s probably best if you thank your parents pretty soon.”

Josh leaned over and kissed Matt quickly. “I’ll do that now and then we can spend the whole day in bed. Sound good?”

“That’s the best plan you’ve ever had.”

“Mom? Dad?” Josh called as he entered the living room, looking for his parents. He found them watching the news together, which his dad muted when he came into the room.

“What did you name her?” His mom asked, standing up and hugging Josh with wide arms.

“Tux! Oh my god mom, this is the best thing. Thank you so much.”

“It was Matt's idea.” His dad chimed in.

Josh nodded. “He said. I just... I don’t know what to say. This is the best thing in the world.”

“Well,” His mom started, picking up her handbag from the floor. “I hate to do this but we have to take her away for some jabs she needs, and then we’ve gotta go buy some cat supplies for her. She’ll stay at the vets overnight. We just wanted you to meet her.”

Josh's face fell slightly. “That’s okay. I’ll go get her in a minute. When do you think you’ll be back?”

“Tomorrow morning.” His dad said, continuing when he saw Josh's confused face. “We’re going uptown to see your sister. We’re gonna spend the night in a hotel up there so it saves us driving back in the middle of the night. We’ll pick Tux up from the vets on our way back tomorrow.”

Josh nodded again; pleased with the fact he got to be home alone with Matt all day. “Okay. Just keep in touch, alright?”

“We will do. Be good. There’s money in the kitchen for dinner.”

“Thank you, mom. Thank you for everything.” He said, feeling grateful and genuinely meaning it. He was the luckiest guy in the world.

He shut the door behind his parents after he’d grabbed Tux from a near sleeping Matt and returned the kitten. He made his way downstairs to where Matt had turned on cartoons on the small TV. He giggled at the sight; Matt so engrossed in the show he didn’t even notice Josh coming into the room until he slid into bed beside him. Matt smiled and turned to Josh.

“You okay?”

“Mhm.” Josh brushed away some stray strands of hair out of Matt’s eyes. Matt took it upon himself to crawl onto Josh and straddle his hips. Josh smiled and placed his hands on Matt's lower back. “They’ll be gone until tomorrow. We’ve got the place to ourselves until morning.”

Matt giggled, and pushed up, kissing Josh on the nose to begin with, but was quickly interested in kissing him properly.

It wasn’t long before they were making out, and it wasn’t long after that before the two were both lying in nothing but their boxers, still kissing eagerly. Matt broke away, looking at Josh and nodding in the slightest.

“Are... are you sure?” Josh questioned little breathlessly as he traced over some of Matt's scars on his back. “We don’t have to... I mean, not if you don’t want to...”

Matt shook his head and rolled his hips, making a quiet sound fall from Josh's crimson lips. “No, babe, I want to. I want this; I love you, Josh.”

“I love you too, Matty, but we don’t have to if you’re not ready-”

Matt cut him off with a gentle kiss, nodding again.

“Just tell me if I’m too rough, or if you change your mind. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. Just tell me and I’ll stop right away...” Josh flustered, seeming more nervous than Matt. “A-are you absolutely sure?” Matt traced his fingertips over Josh's blushing face, smiling widely so he exposed neat white teeth. Josh did the same.

“I’m sure.”

A/N: double a/ns today! I'm back from Florida so you lucky ones get two updates. you're not that lucky that this poopy story updated. whoops. also my fave chapter is up next can i get a hell yeah

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