Chapter Twenty Seven

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“Josh!” Kira called, waving the black haired man and his date over.

They smiled and hugged, and she leant in and hugged Matt as well. Ian shook both their hands, smiling widely. Ian was wearing something similar to Josh; a pale green button up and jeans. Kira was wearing a simple – but gorgeous – black dress, and clearly all of them were relieved they weren’t too over or underdressed.

“Hi!” Josh smiled. “So, lead the way?”

“There’s this new Italian place that opened recently,” Ian gestured to an Italian restaurant on the boardwalk to their left. “And we’ve heard some great things about it.”

“That sounds good.” Matt said, smiling.

The couples got their seats, as it was relatively quiet. They got a booth in the back of the dim restaurant, Josh sitting next to Matt, and then Kira next to Ian opposite. It was then Matt realised tonight was going to be ‘interrogation night’, considering Josh worked with Kira and was best friends with Ian. He cursed in his mind as he scanned over the menu.

“Hi, can I get you guys any drinks?” A waitress approached, cherry red lips parted in a smile to expose perfect white teeth.

“That would be great. I’ll have a beer, please. Whatever’s the bestseller here.” Ian said.

“Lemonade, please.” Kira said, smiling. “

Water, please.” Matt spoke up, folding his menu.

“And can I have a Coke zero if possible?” Josh finished.

“Is Pepsi Max okay?” The waitress asked, and Josh nodded. “Okay, I’ll be back in a minute with your drinks.”

“Jesus, Ramsay, not a beer for you? That’s not usual.” Ian commented, and Josh pulled a half grin.

“Yeah, I don’t feel like drinking today.” He explained, seeing Matt’s grateful smile.

Matt looked down at his hands and then back up, noticing Ian’s stare from across the table. He blushed and looked away again, knowing the questions would start right about now.

“So Matt,” Ian started. Matt nearly rolled his eyes, but instead looked back to Ian politely. “Where did you meet Josh?”

“Uh... It was at the coffee shop. He ran into me and we started talking. Turns out we’d both been in the same music class at the college and didn’t even realise.”

“When you say ran into you...”

“Literally ran into me. I had coffee down my front.” He glanced over to Josh, who was blushing amidst the laughter.

“You had to bring that up...” He mumbled, looking up from his lap when he felt Matt’s hand in his.

“I’m sorry.” Ian chuckled.

“It’s alright, Matt, if we’re sharing embarrassing Josh stories, I’ve got a couple hundred I could tell you.”

“Me too, actually.” Kira chimed in. Josh just put his head in his hands and groaned loudly.

“Shut up, oh my god.” Matt laughed with the others and leant into Josh, placing a comforting hand on his back.

The night was over soon enough and Ian paid, insisting that it was his treat, and that Josh’d have to pay him back in the future. Josh was driving home, and he glanced away from the road to look at Matt sitting beside him. He’d fallen asleep, his head leaning against the seatbelt and his knees pulled up to his chin. Josh couldn’t help but grin. He was the luckiest guy in the world, and he had the cutest boyfriend ever.

He tried to drive home as smoothly as possible, even taking the long route to avoid the speed bumps he knew were in the other direction. When he pulled up in the driveway, he carefully unclipped his seatbelt and got out the car, quietly shutting the door and locking the car with the fob over his shoulder. Unlocking the door was the trickiest part; trying to single handedly turn the key and not wake up Matt. Nevertheless he managed to do so, and then he carefully carried his sleeping boyfriend downstairs to their bed.

As he set Matt down, he removed the younger boy’s shoes and then he silently changed into a tee and boxers, panicking when Matt stirred.

“Mmm... Joshy...” he mumbled sleepily, reaching out and making grabby hands for the taller boy. “C’mere.”

Josh willingly obliged and crawled into bed, shutting out the lights as he felt Matt’s fingertips curl into the fabric of his t-shirt, pulling him as close as possible so his head was pressed up against the elder’s chest. Josh protectively wrapped his arms around Matt.

“Love my Joshy.” Matt sighed contentedly, eyes still shut.

“Love you too, Matty. Get some sleep, babe.” He whispered, gently smiling as he felt Matt press a soft kiss to his forearm.  

Yeah, Josh really was the luckiest guy in the world.

A/N: this is a filler and i've given up on dates but you'll get two updates next week b/c i'll be away for two weeks and I can't post!!!!

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