Chapter Twenty Two

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Mike happily dropped the pair off at Josh’s house, giving Josh his number and telling to call him if they needed anything. They couldn’t be more grateful. Josh talked things over with his mom and she was more than happy for Matt to stay. She offered a room but Josh said that he could stay in the basement with him. They unpacked together, Josh clearing a couple of drawers in the dresser for Matt to put his things. Luckily there was a bathroom downstairs with Josh’s room, so he just placed his wash-bag in there. When he returned to Josh’s room, the elder boy was nearly asleep in his bed. Matt smiled and crept next to him. Josh looked down to see Matt curled up next to him.

“Thank you, Josh.” He mumbled.

“It’s fine...” Josh said absently. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine now that I’m with you.” He grinned. “Are you hurt?”

“A little bruised, but it’s not a problem.” Matt said, brushing his hair out of his eyes. “I’ve had worse.”

Josh sat up a little, and Matt copied his actions. They sat with Josh’s arm hooked around Matt’s shoulder, just musing things over. “Are you okay with sleeping here?”

“Of course.” Matt said. “I, uh, is it okay if I used your shower?”

Josh smiled and nodded. “There’s fresh towels in the closet upstairs.” Matt smiled and left the room, but returned in a second, placing a chaste kiss to Josh’s lips and running away again. Josh merely laughed.

Matt couldn’t find the closet, and didn’t want to disturb Josh again, and he was beginning to panic a little.

“You okay, sweetie?” he spun around quickly to see Josh’s mother standing there.

He smiled nervously. “Hi, Mrs Ramsay.” He said politely.

“What’re you looking for?”

“Josh said there were towels up here, I was going to have a shower. If that’s okay with you, obviously.” He added hastily, and she just laughed.

“They’re all here. Help yourself, sweetie.” She opened a closet door, and Matt smiled gratefully.

“Thank you, Mrs Ramsay.” He said.

“Please. Call me Debbie.” She smiled, and began to head to the kitchen. She stopped, and waved a hand slightly in Matt’s direction. “Did you want anything to eat?”

“No thanks, Mrs... Debbie. I’m fine.” She nodded and left, and Matt took a fluffy towel and headed back downstairs.

The shower was confusing to work, but he managed it in the end, spending at least twenty minutes in the shower, just enjoying how the hot water felt on his aching back. But pretty soon the water began to get a little lukewarm, so he got out, drying himself off and throwing on a sweater and some sweatpants. It was hot, but he couldn’t wear short sleeves. He knew Josh wouldn’t judge but he just didn’t want the questions. He gathered his clothes and tossed the towel in the laundry basket, stepping quietly into the room. Josh was up, on his laptop, writing, with a half smile on his face. He looked up when Matt entered and smiled.

“Hey.” He said.

“Hi.” Matt replied, tossing his clothes in the drawer and climbing into bed. It seemed Josh was chatting online with someone. “Who’s that?” He asked politely.

“It’s Ian. I’ll tell him you’re here.”

Josh: Matt’s here.

Ian: He’s with you?

Josh: Well, he’s not living at his old house anymore, and he needed a place to stay, so.

Ian: Are you dating him?!  

Josh blushed bright red, and Matt chuckled.  

Josh: He’s reading this, you know.

Ian: Matt, are you dating Josh?

Josh passed the laptop over to Matt, and as he laughed the younger boy typed a message back to Ian.

Josh: Not quite, Ian.

Ian: !!!

The pair laughed and Josh logged off, turning his attention to Matt. “Sorry about him.”

“It’s alright, he’s nice.” Matt said warmly.

“How are you?” Josh asked suddenly, and Matt smiled. “You’ve asked me that a bajillion times already.”

Josh rolled his eyes. “Mr Exaggeration.”

Matt smiled wider. “Hush, you. I’m happy.”

And he was. He felt safe sitting with Josh, on soft navy bed sheets. Their fingers were intertwined and they both had smiles on their faces. He was happy, for sure. He could go to sleep whenever he wanted and he could hold Josh’s hand and kiss him and hug him without feeling incredibly guilty all the time. He could go home and not have to cook dinner and he could eat when he wanted and he could make little mistakes and not get beaten up. He was calm. And best of all, he was free.

He snuggled down into Josh’s arms. Josh smiled, looking down at the boy in his grip. “So am I.” He whispered, before reaching over to turn out the light, pressing a soft kiss to Matt’s head, and then drifting off to sleep.

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