PIF "You will always be Aphmau" explaination

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Yes, I am here explaining the chapter and the views of the characters more. It was a very confusing and coded chapter. I really explain a lot of emotions, but didn't-actually couldn't go into much detail.

1. It would be 5000 words long


2. It would ruin the book because Aphmau doesn't know how Laurance feels!

Okay so, I am going to talk about Aphmau's and Lauurance~kun's views on being a Shadow Knight. Why do I capitalize Shadow Knight? Because it is a very meaningful and special word in the MCD series, it deserves it.

I believe how Laurance views his Shadow Knight as another person within him. It is almost like another personality.

I am assuming most of you are familiar with Mentally love's Demon Laurance. It is easier to describe it this way, but this is not how I got the idea.

Still love you though!

Okay, he kind of talks to him as if he is another person. He is another person entirely. One is a demon inside him and the other is him. The real him.

This is Aphmau's.

She views it as one person. She is both Aphmau and the Shadow Knight. She is a demon, not the person inside of her. She is so deep in her thoughts she even believes she is not Aphmau anymore, but instead, she is the demon inside of her.

Now, I am not going to tell you anymore. I won't tell you which one is better or worse. Which one is eviller or heroer. Mostly because that is not a thing!

I do need to explain one more thing, though. I can't explain a lot of this book. It will contain spoilers if I do. I'm surprised I even explained that.

I need to say, I am amazing at knowing the end of a book.

One time, I took my mums book and read the first two chapters, and analyzed the cover. I theorized on the ending of the book, then read the last chapter. I was correct. Well, close enough to say I was correct.

Author's always drop these super huge hints that are very noticeable once you get your theory on. I even predict how TV series like "The Walking Dead" will end or how a situation will play out. It's really fun!

I'm not usually right with that series. Also, don't spoil the finale. I haven't watched the last three episodes. I can't get past the train tracks!

Back on topic, I love leaving mysteries in books. I know that I don't just read a book, I study the author's style, and vocabulary. I then theorize on every chapter in my head.

Let me tell you though, no one could theorize enough to know that he turned into a table.

Someone I knew read a book and someone was missing for half of the story. Turns out, they were slowly melting into a table. How the person knew? She has some sort of power telling her that her brother turned into a table?

Yes, that is how Tablemau happened.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for show tunning in, and I hope you enjoyed!

Jazz out-

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