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Hey! Thank you so much daylight_sweets for following me! I really appreciate this. I just got the notification, and died! Well, let the royal ceremony begin! I now announce you an official jazz hand! Yeah, the name is kind of weird, but I like it. I hope you are enjoying the stories I write! I will give you a list, even though it's not much.

. Aphmau's Proposal (most popular, first book, and people's favorite.)

. The Past into the Future (people's least favorite, third book, least popular)

. Minecraft Diaries Theories (middlest popular, second book, middle popularity.)

I personally like The Past into the Future the best, then Aphmau's Proposal.

I checked out your stuff, and it's good. I can see you found me threw Mentallylove. Everyone has. I see you like Garroth Diaries. Me too! I didn't see Shattered, or The Starry Night. I love those, even though Shattered is discontinued, it was the first book I saw of hers. Romeo and Juliet is also good. Her sequel is too. Everything is good, even though it's all Garrmau. If you haven't found me through mentally love, I would love to know how. I know Kawaii_Anime_Kat hasn't, but if you other people didn't find me through mentallylove then that's surprising. High five self! Or maybe not. My hand is a little feisty today.

Also, thank you for voting on my stories. Just got two notifications for it. Thanks!

Anyway, it's pretty late. I'm just going to go before I die of lack of sleep. Well, first I'm going to check Instagram, but then bed.

Thank you guys so much for Show tunning in, and I hope you enjoyed!

Jazz out-

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