Blurred Lines

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AUTHORS NOTE: This is the new chapter that I've been working on! Hope y'all like it!! So, hows everybodys summer going?

POV Bella

That trip was an amazing way to get my mind off of many different things that are going on in my life. I'm leaving for the weekend to be with my father. I feel like I've found home when I'm with him. Like I've finally in my life have found balance.

Edward, the love of my life wasn't to pleased to hear that I'm going back there. He needs to understand that I'm doing this for me.There's this whole other side of me that I haven't even explored yet. My father is the other half of me that I've been waiting for. When I found him everything made sense.

I was sitting on the couch in the Cullen's living room with Edward, watching a movie when I started to feel an ache between my eyes. I ignored it and kept watching Edward, because he was more interesting then the movie.

By the time the movie was over, the little ache had bloomed into a full blown migraine. I curled so my face was buried in Edward's chest to shield my eyes from the light that was only making my head hurt more. As I moved I could feel Edward's eyes on me.

"Are you ok, Love?" He asked softly.

I nodded against his chest.

He obviously didn't believe me because before I knew it he was gently lifting my chin so he could look into my eyes.

"Bella, are you lying to me?" He asked eying me suspiciously.

"No," I mumbled instantly regretting it as my head throbbed and I winced.

Edward noticed me wince and sighed.

"Love, tell me what's wrong, please," He smiled my favourite crooked smile and I sighed.

"Ok, I have a migraine," I mumbled barely audible before burying my face back into his chest.

"Love, how bad is it?" Edward asked softly.

"Um... an 8," I mumbled and winced as my head throbbed.

"What can I do to help?" Edward asked in concern.

"The light makes it worse and noise doesn't help either," I mumbled, ready to cry from the pain between my eyes.

Before I could blink we were in Edward's room with the door closed and he was pulling curtains closed to cover the windows and block out the light. He tucked me into his bed and lay down beside me. I curled into his chest and popped a few of the buttons on his shirt open so I could lean my forehead on his cool chest. It helped a bit until Edward started humming my lullaby. I whimpered as my head throbbed and Edward stopped.

"Is it getting worse, love?" Edward asked as softly as he could without making it inaudible to me.

"Only when you hum, I love it when you hum, but right now it makes my head hurt," I started sniffling as the tears rolled down my face.

Edward gently wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close as I cried into his chest.

"I'm sorry Love, how can I help?" Edward whispered as low as he could.

"Um... p-pain...k-killers," I mumbled between sniffles and sobs.

Edward's POV

"Ok love, I'll be right back," I told Bella as I reluctantly left her to go locate some painkillers to relieve her migraine.

I ran to the washroom first and searched the cabinet. I came up empty handed, which wasn't a huge surprise considering my family didn't need painkillers, being that they are all vampires. Next I headed for Carlisle's office. I found his medical bag on the floor by the desk and searched through it hoping to come up with some ibuprofen. Finding nothing I cursed under my breath before heading back to Bella. I walked into my room and softly closed the door before gliding over to the bed.

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