All I Ever Wanted

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POV Bella

Annabella finally came home at 7 AM. I hadn't slept at all. When Jake left an hour ago I tried to sleep but my mind wouldn't let me rest. I decided to greet her downstairs.

"Morning." I chimed.

"Morning." she said with confusion.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I was just gunna ask you the same thing."

"I was at the station. Someone called about a missing persons case and I've been up all night trying to sort out the facts. I called but you must have been asleep."

"Yeah." I responded awkwardly.

"Well, I'm gunna try to get some rest before headin' out again." He said as he walked to his room.

"You can't take a sick day?" I asked.

"I could, but I swore to protect and serve."

"What were you thinking?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well I sure wasn't thinking about the sleep I would be missing." I laughed.

"Night, Bells." She said as she shut the door.

My stomach started growling. I walked into the kitchen, went to the fridge and pulled out the half full carton of eggs.

"Need help?" I abruptly turned around to see Emmett leaning against the counter.

"Geeze, Emmett!" I said clutching my chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"Annabella is trying to sleep!" I whisper-yelled.

"She is asleep. With visions of killers dancing in her head." He said dreamily.

"Shut up." I said as I closed the fridge. My neck was hot. I remembered seeing a hair tie on the table by the door. I turned the stove on and placed a small frying pan on top of the burning red coils. I left the room to retrieve the hair tie then walked back in the kitchen while gathering all of my hair behind my head. As I walked passed Emmett I heard him gasp.

"What?" I said as I wrapped my hair up in the hair tie.

"Your back... It's..."

"Black. Jacob told me."

Emmett had a look of horror on his face.

"Bella, I'm so sorry." He walked behind me. I could feel his cold breath blowing on my skin then he kissed my left shoulder. I couldn't help but crumble inside.

"It's okay." I choked.

"No it's not... I didn't want to hurt you and that's exactly what I did. I thought I was so careful..."

I turned around. "Emmett, it's really okay. It'll be gone in a week or two. Don't beat yourself up. I'm fine. A bruise is nothing." His expression relaxed.

"Oh, little Isabella. Why do you have to be so fragile?"

"Because." I groaned.

"Do you wanna change that?" He whispered leaning into my ear.

"Emmett, stop. I'm a witch, I could kill you easily."

"Sorry." He said backing away from me.

"Where did you go this morning?" I said as I grabbed two eggs from the carton and cracked them on the side of the pan.

"Canada." He said casually.

"Yeah, right..." I laughed.

"I did."

Dark Side Of The Moon (Part 2  Of Cold Grey Light)Where stories live. Discover now