Everything Unexpected

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"How interesting." She scoffed.

"I never would have guessed an alliance between you and the wolves. You are one tricky human, Bella. Tricky, tricky, indeed.

"I could feel her coming closer. Emmett moved me behind him once again.

"Victoria, we don't want a fight."

She smiled a satanic grin.

"Face it, you're alone. I am stronger then you, and you know it. On top of that we have wolves on our side. You can't win, it's impossible, I want our magic."

"Didn't your sweet mommy Esme tell you that nothing is impossible?" Emmett cringed at hearing his mothers name. He loved and missed her dearly. He did not like something as evil and vicious as Victoria even thinking his heavenly mother's name.

"You can't win, Victoria. And your a vampire why would you want her magic?"

"That may be, but I sure can play. Well, I'm half witch from my mother's side. Now Bella if you remember I was the one that kidnapped you in Florida, by boyfriend almost had sex with you though. But don't worry I killed him." She stared at me with hungry eyes. Suddenly there was a gush of wind. Everything got blurry, then stopped. I was trapped in strange thin cold arms a few yards away from Emmett. She had me by the throat. I began to panic.

"Please..." I gasped.

She put her mouth near my ear. "If I wanted you dead I would have already killed you. I want you."

"Victoria, let her go!" Emmett demanded.

"Tell me where Edward is."

"I thought you said you saw him."

"I did. I had been tracking him but I lost his scent since that blonde girl came along." Emmett stayed silent.

"Where is he?" She screamed.

"I don't know." He said quietly.

"You're lying."

"Why would I lie? He's done nothing but cause us pain. I wouldn't mind if he got what he deserved."

She shot me a confused glance. "She's your mate now?"

"Yes. I love her."

Her grasp got a little looser. "If I find out you're lying, I am coming back for her." She warned.

"Don't think I'm going to just give up on you." She whispered to me. "I will always be watching." Then in an instant, she was gone. I ran to Emmett.

"I'm sorry, Bella. I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay. I'm safe. We're safe." After a long moment our bodies parted. I noticed a shimmering tear trailing down his cheek. When I tried to wipe it away by hand began to burn.

"Oh!" I exclaimed in pain.

"Bella, give me your hand!" I did as he told me. He took the edge of his shirt and wiped the burning liquid from my hand.

"What was t-"

"Venom." He interrupted.

"Our tears are pure venom. It runs through our veins and every part of our bodies." I looked at him in wonder.

"I'm sorry, I should have told you."

"It's fine."

"It's just that I don't cry really. I didn't think you'd ever have to find that out." He said, wiping the remainder of his tears away.

"I knew she wouldn't kill you, but there was still that piece of me that-"

"Emmett, stop."

He looked at me and half smiled.

Dark Side Of The Moon (Part 2  Of Cold Grey Light)Where stories live. Discover now