Moonless Night

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POV Edward

I took a deep breath. I had been steeling myself for this all day. I had to do this, for her. 

"Do you mind if I come over today?" I asked as we approached the monster she called a truck.

"Of course not," she replied.

"Now?" I asked as I held open her door. If nervousness felt like butterflies in your stomach, then butterflies were vicious little things.

"Sure, I was just going to drop a letter in the mailbox."

"I'll do it, and I'll still beat you there," I said as I took it. I knew it was the photos for Renee in that envelope, and I couldn't let them get there. If I was erasing myself from her life, leaving pictures of me at her mother's house would not be a good idea.

"Okay," she smiled. My heart wrenched at the thought of not being able to see that beautiful smile ever again.

It's for the best, I reminded myself.

I did beat her home, but I didn't drop off the pictures. They sat under my seat in the car. I had parked in Annabella's spot, since I wasn't staying long.

She parked in the driveway and saw me waiting for her. I got out of my car to meet her, taking her book bag out of her hand and setting it back in the truck. I wasn't going inside.

"Come for a walk with me," I asked, fighting against the misery trying to seep into my voice. She didn't answer, nor did I wait for one. If I did, my resolve would slip.

It's for her safety, I scolded myself, not your gain.

I took her a few steps into the trees and stopped. I needed to get this done quickly so I didn't break down and spill why I was really leaving, or even worse, never want to leave. I leaned against a tree, still fighting my emotions.

"Okay, let's talk," she said, bravely. Her scent betrayed her, though, as fear crept into it.

I took a deep breath.

"Bella, we're leaving," I steeled myself for whatever she could ask.

"Why now? Another year-"

"Bella, it's time," I lied, "How much longer could we stay in Forks, after all? Carlisle can barely pass for thirty, and he's claiming thirty-three now. We'd have to start over soon regardless." I knew this was all untrue, we really could stick around for one more year, but Bella didn't, and that's what my plan was based on, that Bella believed what I said.

She stared at me in confusion, trying to understand what I was saying. I managed to keep my face devoid of emotion, or at least I tried my hardest.

"When you say we-" she whispered, finally getting it.

"I mean my family and myself," I finished. Each word was detached as I kept my voice from displaying the sheer torture of lying to my angel, of hurting her.

It's the best in the long run, I chided myself.

She shook her head back and forth, as if to clear it. She remained silent for a while.

"Okay, I'll come with you," she said.

"You can't, Bella. Where we're going... It's not the right place for you," It was the only truth I was likely to speak to her again. Where ever I was was the wrong place for her. She didn't belong with soulless bloodsucking monsters.

"Where you are is the right place for me."

"I'm no good for you," another truth, although at this rate, I'd have to tell the biggest lie I've ever told to get her to go, and she'd believe the truths I'd told her to be lies and the lies truths.

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