Thinking About You

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POV Bella

When we landed Alice and I went straight from the airport to the hotel. The sun was rising and we couldn't risk Alice being in broad daylight, especially in a city full of people.

Alice flopped herself on the bed. "So, what do you wanna do until it gets dark? We could watch a movie or order room service, or..."

"I sort of wanted to take a shower."

"Okay. Don't get lost!" She giggled.

The hotel where we were staying was called the Grand Hotel Duomo. It was way too extravagant for a simple weekend getaway. It had three bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, a balcony and a gorgeous view of the Arno River. The bathroom was bigger than my bathroom at home. And it was warm. I was slowly coming to like Italy. I wished Emmett could be with me. I wondered what he was doing this very second; if he was thinking about me too.

It took me a minute to get the shower going, I couldn't figure out how to turn it on. But when I did I got undressed and jumped right in. There was no rush so I took my time washing my hair and body. The heat filled me up and trapped me in its warmth. For a minute I just stood there, letting the water rain on me. My mind was blank, for the first time in a while. It was strange, that feeling of sudden peace.

When I finished my shower I towel dried my hair and body, put on the clothes that Alice had packed for me and joined her in one of the bedrooms.

"Did you have fun?" She asked casually. She was obviously distracted by the TV.

"Yeah, it was a blast." I said sarcastically.

I knew she wasn't paying any attention and that she wouldn't mind if I didn't sit in the room with her. I grabbed the withered and worn copy of 'Withering Heights' that Alice had packed for me and walked out on the patio to read it. She knew how much I loved it and that even two hundred thirty nine reads later, it never got old.

I inhaled the sweet foreign air as I walked out onto the balcony. Italy was really starting to grow on me.

There was a plush patio furniture set in the corner where I decided to sit. I opened the book to the first page and began scanning each line. My mind was too occupied to actually read the thing.

I began to wonder what was happening at home. I had this awful image in my head, full of blood and broken bodies... I hoped that Emmett and Edward were working together to destroy Victoria and not against each other.

I felt so guilty that it actually started to hurt. If I never would have come to Forks, the Cullens would be living their normal lives without the constant threat of death lurking around every corner. They would keep to themselves, pretending to be human and normal. They would still be a family, not torn apart because of one son's misery. Maybe Edward would have found a nice girl of his kind. One more suited for him. But I can't change the past. No matter how much I wish I could, I can't go back. I just have to make the future right.

"Bella!" I heard Alice whisper urgently. I turned my head and saw her peaking around the corner, just enough to see a few diamonds shining on her cheek.


"There's someone at the door." I got up from my briefly inhabited seat and walked through the room to answer the door.

"They think this is their room." Alice said. I nodded and opened the door. A dark haired woman was holding the hand of a young blonde girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was our room..." She said, just as Alice promised.

"No problem." I smiled decently.

"Mommy," The little girl patted her mother's leg. "She sparkles." I turned around and saw a split second of sparkling Alice. She ran past me at inhuman speed and by the time I looked back at the woman and her child they were on the ground. Their necks were broken and their eyes were glazed over and staring at nothing. I screamed in terror.

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