Perfect Nightmare

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POV Bella

I woke up in an empty bed. As I rolled over I felt something rough beneath my cheek. I opened my eyes to see it was a piece of paper with writing scribbled across it. I read it slowly.


 I'm sorry I had to get home. I would have told you I was leaving but you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. I'll call you tomorrow. I love you, my beautiful Bella.


P.S. Look up

I lifted my head and found a dream catcher hanging over my head board. I reached up and cradled it in my hand. It was beautiful. Hopefully it would work.

My analog alarm clock made a low toned beep marking the hour. It was five in the evening. I was shocked. How could I have slept that long? I had wasted my whole day sleeping.

Since there wasn't much I could do I decided to take a shower. Maybe I would make it a daily thing again. I followed my same shower ritual of turning the heat all the way up, undressing, letting the scolding water devour the cold that draped over me, wash my hair and body then I saw my razor in the corner of the shower and did something I hadn't done in a long time. I shaved my legs, finally.

When I jumped out of the shower I ran my palm over my bare smooth legs. I was becoming human again, one day at a time.

I tip toed to my room and shut the door. It was much warmer in there. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a pair of shorts and a t shirt to wear. The elastic on the shorts held on to my hip bones for dear life. My stomach started growling at the sight of my bones. I went downstairs to get something to eat.

To my surprise Annabella wasn't home. I noticed that she had been working late recently. She always had folders filled with loose papers talking about disappearances and bodies found in the woods. It didn't bother me. I had gotten used to the horror stories that she brought home.

I opened the fridge and found some leftover salmon that I never remembered making. I wondered how Annabella managed to make it without my help. I grabbed the plate and tore the saran wrap off the top then stuck in the microwave. I tapped the buttons on the microwave and waited one minute for the fish to heat up. When the timer went off I opened the door and inhaled the mouthwatering sent.

The plate burned my hand when I reached for it. I swore under my breath as I held my wounded hand. The pain subsided quickly and I took the plate out of the microwave. I set it on the table, grabbed a fork and started eating. The flavor exploded in my mouth. I let out a sigh of delight.

I inhaled the rest of the fish. My stomach felt satisfied. I rinsed off the plate and set it in the bottom of the empty sink.

I looked around and realized that I was once again left with nothing to do. It was only seven but sleeping seemed to be my best and only option.

My feet carried me to my room. I slipped into bed and shut my eyes. I waited for an hour and sleep wouldn't come. I opened my eyes my eyes and rolled over to look out the window. It was pitch black. As far as I was concerned nothing else existed but me, my room and darkness.

Then suddenly I heard a loud bang outside. I caught myself smiling knowing that Jacob would be bursting through my window in a matter of seconds. I missed his unnatural warmth and new mysterious appearance. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep. Just like the night before I heard my window slowly slide open then two feet plant themselves lightly on the ground.

"Bella?" Though the voice was whispering it bellowed through my room. I opened my eyes and saw a large silhouette hovering over me. It bent down and placed a hand on my cheek. The temperature shocked me. Frozen.

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