The Flight

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POV Edward

When we reach the reception, Demetri remind us we must stay until dark, then he return with the others.

Now that we were in relative safe, I could allow me to release some of the anxiety and fear that was inside of me and, maybe, if I have some luck, the happiness and joy for the reunion.

"Are you alright?" I ask under my breath because he was too close

"Hmm, I wonder what's going on? It's HIS second time in here, but now he has a cloak. Would he be attached to the guard?" I stop putting her attention, there were more important things.

Bella start sobbing. She was shaking worst than when we were underground, and she was so pail that is was scary. In short, she was terrified.

"You'd better make her sit before she falls"- Alice said pointing the farthest couch "There are too many curious"-"She's going to pieces"

"Shh, Bella, shh"-I told her as I lead her to the couch, practically in my arms-"Alice, what's wrong with her?"-I was so scared that my voice was just a whisper. If Bella doesn't calm, she was going to faint.

"I think she's having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her. If she don't calm down, she will end in the hospital, Edward"

"What? NO! Alice, help me!"I said, looking franticly at her.

"I don't know what to do..."She was scared and concerned by Bella too, but the only thing we could do right now, was try to calm her.

We reach the couch, and was about to sit Bella, when Alice's voice scream in my head "No. Edward. I think the best if you embrace her" so, I sat down and pull Bella onto my lap and tucked the thick wool cloak around her, protecting her from my cold skin-"It's alright, you're safe, it's alright"-I chanted again and again as I do this.

It was then when the tears start rolling down her face and my heart shrugged in my chest, full with pain. I couldn't bear saw her like that, I needed to do something.

Before I could do or say anything, she starts talk.

"Emmett, they killed him."

"I know"

"It's so horrible, but Rosalie had killed her self when she found out that Emmett loved you."

"She what? Oh God I feel even worse about my self."

Unexpectedly, I remember my fear that she noticed the monster in me, and this only served to increase my pain to lose her again.

Then, I felt how she put her head against my chest and I momentarily forget about my fears; given in her completely. I pull her a bit, tying to reassure her.

"Is there anything I can get you?"Felix voice took me by surprise.

"No"- I answer, vexed by him intromission.

When he turn away, Bella turn her beautiful face to me and speak in a whisper; a little more quiet.

The need overcame the fear and lock my eyes to hers, waiting. Knowing that my life, my future depend on her reaction.

"Oh, God! Finally happen, she finally realizes the deplorable creature that I am and always be. Now she walks away from me forever! Even if I had the opportunity for her forgiveness after all the pain I made her through the last months, I just lose it for what I am" The pain I experienced was so deep that I couldn't contain it and my face betrays my suffering.

The voice of my sweet Bella pulls me out from my little trance.

"Oh, Edward"-she was crying again.

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