Chapter 6

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"I just had a small fight with Erica, that's all." I told both Stiles and Lydia who were sitting on opposite sides of me as we tied our laces to our skates. Stiles' were black whereas mine, Lydia's and Allison's were white. Lydia cornered me and insisted to know what was up and, like always, whenever she was in her maternal protective mode she was not going give up anytime soon. Stiles' gaze hardened as well as Lydia's grip on her laces.

"What'd she do?" Stiles asked.

"We just had a silly fight-" I began.

"No." Lydia immediately butted in. "Rori, I know you and I know that a 'silly fight' wouldn't affect you like that." She said, using her fingers and quotation marks before going back to tying her laces. "What did she say? All of it." She demanded. I sighed.

I recounted what Erica said. I could practically see the steam pouring out of Stiles and Lydia's ears in anger. Stiles quickly got up and knelt in front of me, taking my hands in his as Lydia quickly slid up next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist and laying her head on my shoulder, knowing that whenever I was upset I always liked to have contact with people. I stared at the floor.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me, alright? Because right now, I'm dishing you out a piece of your medicine, instead of a 'Rori rant' you're getting a 'Stiles rant', okay?" I looked at him with a small smile. "If Erica thinks you're useless, then that's her problem. But she doesn't know how Lydia and I think. She has no idea how much you mean to us. You're one of the most important people in our lives." I felt Lydia nod in agreement on my shoulder. "You're one of the best friends a person could have and I'm so lucky to have you as my friend, let alone my girlfriend. If she can't see how absolutely stunning you are then just forget about her. You have so many people that care about you, focus on them instead. Okay, beautiful?" I nodded with a genuine smile and he grinned, placing a kiss on my forehead then my lips before returning to the other side of me, keeping one of our hands linked.

"And Rori," I turned to meet Lydia's gaze. "What Stiles has said has all been true, but I've known you my whole life, and not one time have you ever been useless. You're amazing and kind and I think I talk for Scott, Allison, Stiles and I when I say that there has never been a time when we've regretted being your friends or found you useless." She then turned to Stiles. "Stiles stole my thunder." He grinned sheepishly.

"So, you guys ready to go?" I asked. Stiles nodded and I stood up, grabbing his hands pulling him up with me. I turned to Lydia. "You ready, Lyd?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Please, I will not third wheel on your date." She made a 'shoo' motion with her hands.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I can amuse myself for a couple of hours." She said sarcastically. "Now go!" I chuckled.

"Okay, okay we're going."


Stiles and I were stood by the entrance to the ice when I asked, "Can you skate or are you gonna turn out like Scott?" We watched Scott fall again.

"I'm fairly decent actually, what about you?"

"I'm okay. Definitely not as bad as Scott." I replied and we laughed.

"By okay, she means great." Lydia said as she walked into our conversation.

"What happened to not third wheeling?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, you two are standing in the middle of the entry way." She replied, raising her eyebrow right back.

"Touché." I said with a raise of my head. She smirked before walking out onto the ice. Stiles and I watched as she turned and spun on the ice. Stiles watched in amazement whilst I felt a wave of nostalgia roll over me.

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