Chapter 10

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"What!?" I snapped

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"What!?" I snapped. "You took Jackson captive and you didn't think to tell me? What the hell, Stiles!?"

"I didn't want you to get involved." He mumbled in an attempted to reason with me but I was way past the point of reason.

"Get involved? Stiles, I became involved in this when I was born. I became involved in this when my best friend was bitten by Peter fucking Hale and when my other best friend became a hunter. I became involved in this when I found out the boy I spent the beginning of my childhood with was a werewolf. So, Stiles Stilinski, don't you dare tell me that you didn't want me involved in whatever the hell you did to Jackson when I've been a part of this supernatural stuff since I was came out of my mothers womb." I spat lividly. Although, I probably could have finished on a better note but right now, I was far too angry to care. My fists were balled up tensely by my side.

"I know, I'm sorry-" He began but I cut him off.

"Are you though? First was leaving me at the bottom of the pool and now this?" My anger was reaching its tipping point as a tear dripped down my cheek and I cursed myself for being the overemotional wreck I was. Stiles quickly jumped into action, pulling me into a tight hug. I struggled for a moment before stopping and relaxing in his embrace as the tears began to pour.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I know I should have told you, and you had every right to know. But...I just couldn't take the risk that Jackson might freak out and go all Kanima on our asses. Or that the cops could come and blame you for something, or that anything remotely bad could happen to you. I love you, Rori and I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you."

"I love you, too." I sniffled into his chest as guilt began to well up within me. I was being so horrible to him. "I'm sorry, Stiles. You didn't deserve any of that. It's just with the whole Kanima thing and Lydia and Gerard and Isaac and Derek-" I listed, my voiced getting progressively more panicked before Stiles cut in, squeezing me a bit tighter to reassure me.

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. What did I say before?" He questioned, pulling back slightly so he could see my red-rimmed eyes and my red nose and cheeks.

"You're not going to let anything bad happen to me." I replied and he nodded with a smile, pressing a light and gentle kiss to my forehead.

"You're damn right I won't. Now let's get you to your Psych class." (A/N: I know, you know, that I'm not telling the truth... comment if you get that, I'll love you forever. I'll still love you if you don't.)


Allison and I walked into the library. We glanced at the newly put in security camera before finding our desired shelf. She looked around once more before passing a tablet through the other side to an awaiting Scott and Stiles. On the tablet was a passage about the Kanima, although it was written in a different language, which Allison got Lydia to help translate.

"It's everything Lydia can translate. And trust me, she was very confused." Allison told Scott, not daring to let her eyes wander to look at the boy through the hole in the shelf.

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