Chapter 21

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"Rori." Someone called but I ignored them. "Rori." They repeated, this time their tone was firmer. I felt hands grip my shoulders and pull me back.

"No." I mumbled but they just wrapped their arms around me tighter.

"There's nothing else you can do. Let the ambulance take him." Isaac mumbled into my ear. Him, Scott and I watched as they placed Jackson's body in a black body bag. They put him on a gurney before wheeling him to the Ambulance. My shoulders began to shake, my lip quivering. I immediately turned into Isaac's chest. In an instant, he had his arms wrapped around me. Shushing me and rocking me side to side.

"I should have done more. I should have saved him." I mumbled into Isaac's jersey.

"Rori, there's nothing you could have done. Absolutely nothing." I shook my head.

"I should have know. Now Jackson's dead, Lydia's heartbroken and Stiles is missing-"

"It wasn't your fault. None of it was. There was no possible way to prevent it. If Gerard didn't succeed today he would have done it again another day." Scott told me, rubbing my shoulder. "Stay strong. If not for you; for us, for Lydia and for Stiles." I closed my eyes and nodded. Isaac gave me one final squeeze before I pulled away from the embrace. I dried my eyes a decided to do just as Scott said.

Stay Strong.


Scott, Isaac and I stood in the locker room talking to the Sheriff. My hands still shook and they still had some of Jackson's blood on them. I glanced around the locker room which was littered with other players before turning back to the Sheriff.

"I got to meet with the medical examiner and try to figure out what happened with Jackson." He told us. "I've got an APB out on Stiles. his Jeep's still in the parking lot, Rori's still here and he wouldn't leave either of them so that means..." The Sheriff trailed, off, obviously getting fairly emotional with the situation we were currently in and he looked to the notebook that was in his grip. "The hell, I don't know what that means. Um - look," He looked back to us, tears in his eyes. "If he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if any of you see him-"

"We'll call you." Isaac finished for him.

"Look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something." Scott assured the older man, though we knew that wasn't the case. "We'll find him."

The Sheriff nodded. "Yeah. I'll see you, okay?" He turned around and left.

Before he could exit the building, I called out to him. "Mr. Stilinski?" He turned and I ran up to him and pulled him into a hug. He paused for a minute at first, surprised, before he wrapped his arms around me tightly. He let out a choked sob. "We'll find him, I promise. We'll find him." He nodded into my shoulder and pat my back before he pulled away and went to leave again before he turned around.

"Aurora?" I turned to him.


"Call me John." I smiled at him. He nodded, sending me a small smile in return before leaving. I walked back over to Scott and Isaac who had just finished talking to the Coach who left.

"Is that everyone?" Scott asked. Isaac got up from where he leant on the locker. He stepped forward, taking a look around. When he found that no one else was in the room he replied.

"I think so." Almost as soon as the words left his lips, Isaac and I heard the screech of metal. The pair turned to Scott who had ripped the front of a locker off and thrown in on the ground. "You're gonna find him by scent?" Isaac questioned.

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