Chapter 19

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"Do you mind if I call you Rora?" Ms Morrell asked.

"Um, actually, yes, I do. Sorry. Rori's fine though.There's only one person that calls me Rora and even then, they rarely use it." I told her with an awkward smile. Therapy sessions and counseling never really went well for me. I went to four after my mother died. They kept telling me that I needed to realise the finality of her death, but I couldn't and didn't want to accept it. Eventually Uncle Mason let me stop seeing them all together when I left for Australia and I got better by myself. Well, not by myself. I got better through Lacey, Mason, Natalie and Lydia. Without them I probably wouldn't be where I am now, however cheesy that sounds.

"Ah yes, you're currently in a relationship with Stiles, aren't you." I didn't say anything, just nodded. "And how's that going?"

"Good." I replied shortly and she sighed.

"Look, Rora-"

"Rori." I quickly interjected.

"Right, sorry, Rori. If you want this to be at all beneficial to you then you're going to have to open up to me." She told me, placing one of her dainty hands on the desk in front of her as if to emphasise the point.

"Look, Ms. Morrell, I'm sorry but these are compulsory. Whether I benefit from it or not, whether I need it or not, I have to do this." I stated

"That's correct but wouldn't you want to at least get some kind of gain from it?" I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Sure." I said, trying to put on my best blasé attitude when really I was screaming internally because of how unbearably awkward I was feeling at this moment.

"Alright." Ms. Morrell began with a grin. "Let's try this again. So Rori, how's your relationship with Stiles going?"

"It's going well." I told her and she nodded, raising an eyebrow, telling me to continue. "U-Um, well..." I trailed off, not knowing what to say. What could she possibly want to know? "He cares for me, and I care for him. He's very respectful of me and doesn't try and control any aspect of me. He's very understanding and comforts me when i need it..." It was silent for a moment. Morrell waiting for me to continue when I really had nothing more to say on that matter.

"I've noticed that a lot of detrimental things are currently and have been happening in your group of friends. The death of Allison's Aunt, you and Lydia being attacked, Isaac, Erica, Boyd, and now this. How has that been impacting your relationship?" She prompted.

"There have definitely been hard times. But every time we argue or fight it's because we want what's best for each other."

"Seems like you two are quite close." She commented and a small, involuntary smile lifted onto my cheeks.

"Yeah, we're basically soul mates." I told her. She grinned and chuckled, probably thinking it was just puppy love when in reality we're literally soul mates.

"How about you and Lydia? What's your relationship with her like?"

"I've known Lydia since birth." I told her, "we grew up together. She was there for me when my parents died and she stayed with me after I moved to Australia which is more than I could ever ask from her. Everyone judges her because of the clothes she wears, how much makeup she puts on, how much money she has or how many guys she dates when in reality she's so much more than that. She's probably one of the kindest, smartest and wisest people I've met, especially for her age. She's my best friend and my sister and I can't thank her enough for what she and Natalie have done for me." I told Morrell honestly and he eyebrows raised in surprise.

"That was much more than I was expecting." I smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of my neck, something I'd picked up from Stiles and Scott.

"My friends call them 'Rori rants'." She laughed and it was silent for a minute and her face melted into one of sorrow.

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